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Friday, December 16, 2016

DEC 10:- WikiLeaks Julian Assange IT IS TIME to SHOW something to the WO...

Let Wikileaks founder and all whistle-blowers go! Assange has been held 5 years without charges and I am sick of this country jailing journalists and innocent people! America where is your outrage! Have you no decency? Where are our progressive leaders Senator Warren? Why is Guantanamo Bay still open Obama? What the hell is going on in this country? I don't want to live in the new evil empire. Turn back to our constitution and stop tromping all over our liberties! Let these people go!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Bernie Sanders Perfectly DEBUNKS Trumps Carrier Deal!

Bernie correctly criticises Trumps Carrier deal

Bernie Sanders heart matches pulse of America!

Once again...Bernie nails Trump "Carrier" deal as a REALLY BAD DEAL for American workers, as it rewards a company that is already profitable with more profits.

The incentive for keeping jobs here is easily solved by threatening thier federal contracts, not by giving them more taxcuts.

I would go even further, by making it "standard policy for all companys with federal contracts". If outsourcing jobs meant companys would lose all federal contracts and hence, thier profits, there would not be any decision for them to make, but to keep jobs in America.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Turn Out The Lights/Trump Crushing Clinton/Prison in Next.

For Clinton supporters who don't think she is the ONLY one who can lose to Trump!  Vote Jill Stein and get rid of electoral college.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Monday, October 17, 2016

Has The Corporate State Taken Over? – Chris Hedges Joins Lee Camp [29]

Commodification has taken over the state in global capitalism and treaty's like NAFTA and the TPP pass easily with the puppets of corporations put in every political position of power.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

Trump Voters Are Angry? Here’s What’s Worthy of Anger | The Closer with ...


Kieth, I love you but...I
have had enough of the bullshit lie that Hillary Clinton stands a
chance in hell of beating anybody in the coming elections.  She
cannot fill a school gym with motivated supporters that are not
surrogates for her campaign.   

She inspires nobody, and
stands for nothing.  She has thumbed her nose at real
progressives that are supposed to be her base for the entirety of
both of her campaigns, and has only taken on views that are really
the beliefs of others, like Bernie Sanders, when forced to, proving
she will never fight for the majority of what democrats want in this
country. She cannot stand progressives or their views.  She
proudly claims to be a moderate and is always happiest when she is
pissing off her "supposed" party by doing things like
hiring Debbie "Whatever Hillary Wants" Schultz immediately
after progressives successfully booted her from her position as chair
of the DNC.

Anybody, including you, and I
love you to death Kieth, who says she is the only one who stands a
chance in hell of beating anybody without thoroughly rigging the
coming elections are not being honest with themselves or others. 
When you look at the non-support she has from her base and the lack
of any real momentum for her, especially when she is running against
the worst candidate ever put forward by the republican party, Donald
Fucking Trump, a man who should of been demolished on any issue, embarrassed by even trying to become president of the free world, and
left begging to please make it stop and send him running off stage in
fear he will ruin his brand forever, is all the proof I need that she
is going to LOSE.

If progressives do not find a
way to dump her and vote for a real progressive like Bernie or Jill
Stein then we are all going to suffer the consequences. Hillary has
shown what kind of woman she is by not stepping down when her email
scandal became the centerpiece of Trumps campaign.  If she
couldn't put America first now, then she never will. When Jill Stein
was faced with that kind of choice, she actually offered Sanders top
billing on the green party platform after he was cheated and
belittled by the DNC  in the primaries.  A choice that must
have been hard, but she made look easy. She is as gracious as she is
smart and would make a supreme American President, (and she too is
female...for those who think this must be the glass ceiling 
moment in history, at least chose the right woman)

If Bernie really wanted to
win, he would have taken her offer seriously, but Jill showed she was
a true believer in what Americans need in this country more than bout a little humility? She deserves much more respect
than the media gives her, and Kieth, even you have overlooked the
fact that Hillary's background puts her neck and neck with Trump in
popularity polls.  That is to say, it is only Hillary that can
lose to such a superficial, egomaniac, like Trump.

As people see Hillary
courting war mongers like Henry Kissinger, as men she admires, and
continues not just ignoring her base, but slapping them in the face
with VP picks like Tim Cane, she becomes only less popular and hatred
of her solidifies and becomes permanent until there is nothing she
can do or say to get her own base to stand behind, around, or beside
let alone... stand with her.  



Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare - Or Does It?

I would argue that Hillary Clinton does NOT have the numbers that the fake media dictates right now, and the ONLY way to beat Trump is to go vote Jill Stein.  I don't think Clinton has any REAL supporters that are not surrogates.  She cannot fill a school gym, but Trump has managed to gain all racist's votes in this country and though I hate to admit it, he has at least people that are voting FOR HIM, and he has voters voting AGAINST HILLARY. At least, Stein would take the latter from him.

At first glance, it looks like Hillary is the only option to beat Trump, but when you see her non-support in the liberal and progressive groups, it becomes clear she is going to lose to Trump.  Then we will hear the same people that made the argument to vote for her say, "if only I would have known the real numbers were as bad as they were, I would have voted for Jill Stein who actually could of beaten A racist, pig headed egomaniac very easily!"  I would argue the only one who CAN LOSE to Trump is Hillary Clinton!

All of the other candidates would not stand a chance against Jill Stein when you look at the arguments and wisdom she has and REAL support she gets from anybody who listens to her views honestly.  If America continues to listen to fake medias numbers and believe these fake notions spewing nobody else can win, then our country is doomed and individual freedom is a thing of the past, because if the cooperation's get their way this time with the speed they have been taking us down, we are already a mark in the history books of yesterday with nobody to blame but ourselves and no other options to get us out of this shit-show were in.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

This week in the news of US politics...

Debbie whatever the f*** Clinton wants Schultz

Debbie "what the heck happened" Shultz forced to resign after leaked email's emerge from Wiki Leaks showing the DNC did not run fair elections.

Well finally, made my day finding out that Debbie "whatever the f*** Clinton wants me to do" Schultz has stepped down and finally resigned! To think I used to respect this woman is really shocking. I don't know how I ever respected her. She really did a number on Bernie Sanders and the Democratic party when she decided to back the worst candidate in our history. Clinton is the most unlikable, undeniably corrupt candidate to ever run for president.

How people can still stand behind that woman blows my mind! I have no idea. Just to get a woman in there is not good enough! It's gotta be the right woman.

If you really want to put a good woman in office then vote for Jill Stein She's Everything Bernie is and more and she was so gracious as to offer Bernie her own seat in the green party if Bernie wanted to run as an independent candidate, because he's been an independent forever, but he never did get back to her, never took her seriously or whatever, and so that never went anywhere. However, for her to offer it was... I got to say.... the most gracious offer I think I've ever witnessed. That's the kind of person I want an office! That's the kind of person I want to see President!

I don't know how you can look at Hillary Clinton and all the crap that she's done and put her in the most important and powerful positions in the world? How can you do that and live with yourself? You guys are crazy to still support her. Even her slogan "I'm with her" sucks and shows how egotistical she is.. She's going to have to prove she's as hawkish as the men are by sending more of our men to die. You guys really are crazy, and were going to deserve this s*** if we let her win. It would be laughable if it wasn't so dramatically diplorable to see whose going to out-CHEAT the other.

Debbie you deserve this s*** we warned you not to f****** keep cheating in favor of a known loser, you kept it up and with the most smug behavior and just couldn't stop yourself from throwing progressives where Hillary's now thrown you..... under a big fucking heavy duty BUS. How's it feel now?

Let it be known here....we do have the power to get what and WHO we want in office. Those phone calls DO force our representatives to heed our call. Keep it up America. Well done! Bye Debbie "who the fuck is that?" Shultz. Just the Ex-DNC chair.

Support For Jill Stein EXPLODES After Bernie Sanders' Endorsement of Hil...

#NoTWithHillary #BesTWomanRunning Well it was only a matter of Sanders falling in line behind the wrong candidate, that may have me forgiving Warren for her misgivings a little sooner than expected. After all, Bernie's support should have moved with Stein, especially when she so graciously was willing to give up her chance to be president by offering Bernie her place in the green party ticket. Well, fuck em all! Go get em Jill! Make sure the #RighTWoman4pres is running a true blue progressive bid.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Stuart Varney VS. beautiful, rich, white democrat and Bernie supporter.

Carolyn Helm holds her own against Anchor Stewart Varney when he tries to hammer his point home, she kicks the feet out from under him and he slides home on his ass, YOU'RE OUT STEW!

Stuart Varney VS. beautiful, rich, white democrat and Bernie supporter.

Carolyn Helm holds her own against Anchor Stewart Varney when he tries to hammer his point home, she kicks the feet out from under him and he slides home on his ass, YOU'RE OUT STEW!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Judge Nap: Hillary's Top Aide Gave a 'Devastating' Answer About Her Emails

Thisd week in the news of US politics...

Las Vegas Libertarian Debate Hosted by Penn Jillette

Last Libertarian Debate

Well, you are all going to be glad to find out there is another choice for president, Gary Johnson and Willian "Bill" Welds, who is the new chosen libertarian candidate and VP for 2016.; Mark my words, these two are going to make history.; It's exactly the "out" that people are looking for on the "Crazy Trump" side and the "Bernie or Bust" side.

This is the place where revolutions are made.; Come on America, the time is now, the place is here, and the reasons are plenty to make the jump from the losers heading the G.O.P. and the D.N.C. and join the winning ticket.;

It's refreshing to swim with new ideas, on a brand new shiny platform, and the knowledge that libertarians are on 50 state ballets,; and as soon as the polling goes up from the current 10% to just 15%, they are also included in the debates.; That should be the only goal now, so the ideas and beliefs of these three men can be put in play to shape America's future.

John Mcafee

John Mcafee has obviously seen the success of Donald Trumps campaign, (his knowledge of the entertainment in the television industry) as the one guaranteed way to bring libertarians into full view of the American people.; I will say I don't think we have to be naked to do it, but it does take a little bit of crazy (Alex Jones crazy) to get the attention of a society that has been lulled to sleep.

Austin Peterson

Austin Peterson had the most sensible and well structured answers than anyone on stage, and I thought he won, but obviously Johnson did, and I'm perfectly happy with him too. Austin spoke of many hurdles for entraprenuers that have put up as roadblocks to stifle their success. Even though it is impossible to know what he meant by this Johnson should definately delve into this discussionm further and see what changes can be made to fix the problem.

Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson offers a very intelligent and confident way forward, especially on the health care industry.; He is the first person I have agreed with that said they wanted to get rid of Obamacare, and that's because he proposed that he sees a United States filled with "Gall Bladders 'R' Us", "Staples 'R' Us",; and "Hearts 'R' Us", which is definitely, if nothing else, a coherent strategy.; It would make the surgeries cheaper, open millions of jobs up, and most important;y stop the insurance companies from profiting on life and death matters in America.

Candidate Gary Johnson is the winner of the above competition, he has the heart of a libertarian along with the name that people recognize (All three do actually), he is about to step into a race that will define who we are as individuals, and be a voice that will stampede the stubborn few by gaining the power of the many.; This will be a campane made up of highly intelligent people, "the best people" (lol).

Great Choices

Look at the choices made for this last debate, putting Penn Jillette as the moderator was a perfect choice made from the party's representatives, and proving that they understand each decision from now forward will have to be perfect, well thought out, and include a little bit of crazy to achieve a libertarian victory and make sure Gary Johnson becomes the next American president.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Racketeering Lawsuit Filed Over Election Fraud That Cost Bernie Sanders ...


Exit Polls

Exit Polls are the way we check in a democratic system if our elections are fraudulant. After hearing the news that exit polls were off by ridiculously high percentages, it was clear we needed to start paying attention. New York heard reports of them being off by 12%, and according to the U.S. State Department only 2% off means there is fraud.

When other countries hold elections there is no way we would allow them to be off by even 3%. Voters came forward and reported to the

New York

New York Board of Elections,


Chicago Primary,


the Arizona Board of Elections


Nevada Convention


made a documerntary called "Uncounted" about the fraud going on in the 2016 elections, and various other problems that occurred during the Primaries and Caucuses.

Redacted Tonight

Lee Camp at Redacted Tonight has been warning us about elections fraud, and specifically pointed out that exit polls were way off, after hearing all the facts I think you'll agree America is being run like a circus, the media portrays acts that are viewed like it's a great form of entertainment, but reality proves that animals are mistreated, staff is underpaid and were only a gate a way from a giant elephant charging the fans in a break for freedom.

However, our government knows how strong an illusion can be, and right now there is an illusion at our polling stations that all is well, when nothing is. Our polling machines are 100% hack able and are known to flip votes. We need to return to paper ballets and how easy would it be to issue people numbers and let them look up that number to check that their vote counted by showing how you voted, without names, it is perfectly acceptable and should be demanded in such a progressive nation. Check out "Uncounted" to find out how broken California elections are and how corrupted our DNC is that it stole the state from Sanders for Clinton.

The festered poll workers of Nevada had endured so much bullshit with rule changes proposed by a voice vote last minute, all while Sanders supporters shouted and booed. Delegates being turned away, denied and dismissed with no real explanations as to why, while Clinton's seemed to have very few issues, even though it's Sanders supporters that have shined this election as the real champions of caucuses and primaries nationwide.

The Chairwoman

Actually, every single state has had its own mini crisis and the underlying theme is voter disenfranchisement caused by the chairwomen of the DNC known to have ties and favoritism for Hillary Clinton. Debbie "I'm with Her" Schultz has rode roughshod since day one over every level of the elections. From scheduling very few debates, or scheduling during other major sports events to even having conventions (Nevada) during milleniasls graduation ceremonies, which caused many delegates to miss the event. She wanted to make sure Bernie's voice would not rise over a small whisper. The problem for her was that once the people did hear Bernie the crowds only grew louder and louder and became so problematic for her as she tried to send everybody to the back of the bus.

Her bad leadership and underrhanded deeds then immediately made Hillary the evil force behind the anger that Schultz actually was responsible for Even Clinton delegates started feeling uncomfortable in the Nevada Caucasus. After the tapes came out, people started demanding her resignastion, so we really have not heard from her since Nevada's convention, and to be quite honest....good riddens. To think I used to really like her is like a bad memory for me now along with many progressive voters.

Friday, June 24, 2016

NYPD Uses Helicopter & K-9 Unit For Teen Who Stole $2.75

As we have seen the militarization of our police departments doing to the extreme but sending the canine helicopter unit for a teenager who just didn't pay his way on the subway...this is taking it to new heights of ridiculousness.

GOP Takes A Hatchet To What Remains Of The 4th Amendment

Mitch McConnal

Short-Handed Supreme Court Crisis Deepens | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

When is the gridlock going to stop. Courts are a mess from local to supreme, to the point where there cannot be a decision made on affirmative action.  The irony of any action being paralyzed by the same forces in the house as it tries to bring up a vote on gun legislation is frustrating to watch. The house is full of republicans dictating from the bench, just like Debbie "How do you like me now" Shultz dictated as  the DNC  in Nevada, New York and California where they stole the election from Sanders with the same unbelievable bias that Ryan is showing in the House of Republicans.  Hows it feel bitch?

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Child Porn Found At Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch

Well, the argument is over, regarding questioning charges brought against Pop Star Michael

Jackson. With the findings of pornography littered throughout the rooms
at his Neverland Ranch that included children he had invited to his
home, all questions should cease;
He was guilty.  

promise of a “fun day” of carnival rides that should have been a boys
golden ticket of childhood memories, was subjected to one on one time
with the Star that ended up stealing the innocence and childhood for
some chosen ones by drugging and raping them at the end of the day.
King of pop or not, he was a rapist that molested and drugged children, young boys,

and there should be no more doubts about the honesty and integrity of
the boys who came forward.. Victims had to endure not just the
experience, but relive it time and time again, when they had to re-tell
the events to a new judge or social worker. 
It had to be difficult knowing the star was getting all the benefits of "reasonable doubt"

hope the revaluations of today bring the boys a little vindication for
tomorrow, as their stories once questioned with ridicule and shaming,
become matters of fact for the public record.  

is no doubt anymore. I hope they will not spend anymore of their lives
looking in the past, and realize that sunnier days await what can only
be brighter days ahead.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Full Speech: Elizabeth Warren DESTROYS Donald Trump During ACS Conventio...

Warren lets republicans have it, and Trumps them into the ground. Gotta love a real progressive with teeth.

Why progressives should vote

I have come to the conclusion that this whole thing has been from design. Elites that are running this country want the progressives to sit this one out, and what a way to do it. First they allowed Trump to become the Republican nominee, and then they take the worst nominee to run against him and make her his opponent, ignoring Bernie Sanders and everything that excited all the progressives in this country, making them want to sit this one out because there's nothing that Hillary is offering that makes me want to leave my house to go and vote, and I'm definitely not going to vote for Trump, but under the circumstances we we all know that when we don't vote the Republicans win, and if we don't show up we're not just going to lose the white house, we're going to lose the Senate and the house. So it is extremely important to show up this year because if we lose both of them the people that are running this country are going to continue to run it into the ground and probably get us involved in World War 3. So please Progressives, put on your shoes and make yourself go and vote, you don't have to vote for Hillary but please vote for the Senate and the house.

The Truth About Planet X- Connecting the Dots

I appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad, as long as its not spam.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Police Raid Marijuana Shop, Then Eat Merchandise [VIDEO]

This is one of the most shameful scenes since the police raid a marijuana shop and then they start eating the marijuana talking s*** about everybody they just arrested on doing basically all kinds of drugs there and and laughing about it. They think its funny that they get to arrest everybody for the same thing that they're in there doing right after they bust the place.  It's disgusting.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

CNN Hosts Yell At Bernie Sanders Supporters

Howe bout this "BARBARA BOXER DESERVED IT!"  Ask why?  Ask what was behind the messages. Then ask them to prove they were Sanders supporters that were responsible for the messages and not one of the Clinton advocates being paid to be an online troll so it can be blamed on Sanders supporters.?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Man Who Kept His Daughter As A Sex Slave Released From Prison

What kind of disgusting country are we that would allow this piece of crap to see daylight ever again? This is one of the worst crimes I've ever heard, and allowing this sexual deviant to be released not once, but twice??? Who the f is hearing his case Henry VIII?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Alan Grayson On Planned Parenthood Videos. Florida Open Debate

NO NO NO! You are not allowed to take this horrific lie the republicans started about Planned Parenthood, saying they sold baby body parts, and treat the story as if it has merit. It doesn't, it is ALL LIES!!!

TO BE CLEAR, Planned Parenthood was only involved in STEMMED CELL RESEARCH, which is research done with human embryos, and is practiced by many hospitals to SAVE LIVES! While it is controversial, it IS NOT HUMAN BABY PARTS! Anybody who hears this shit from someones mouth and does NOT CORRECT the record, is, quite frankly, an idiot!

One more thing, the only people indicted on this were the two fake journalists that pushed a doctored video on to the FAKE JOURNALISTS AT FOX.NEWS, who could not wait to push the lies as their new propaganda piece against Planned Parenthood. Let's face it, they don't care if the stories are real, as long as it gets them ratings and helps take down another innocent victim, just like they did to "Acorn". Weirdly (sarcastic) it involved the same fake journalist, Andrew Brietbart,, to write that fake story as well.

Democrats must do their own assessments of these types of stories before making statements that help sell a false narrative. Just like they need to read and research every bill they sign before they pass one like “The Patriot Act” into law, and try and call foul for not reading it later, which is still on them, and really any bill with a name like that must have something shady in it that the republicans can say liberals are unpatriotic for not supporting. (understatement)

Lastly, democrats need to get a better public relations firm that knows how to handle the clowns in the media, rather than making themselves all look like jackasses instead.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Purple Rain Prince AVI

It is a sad day for the music industry losing Prince as an artist of
such extraordinary talent.  I have always been a fan of Prince and even
though the rock-n-roll community made the terrible decision of not
welcoming the fantastic guitarist into their sphere, I feel he made an
incredible impact on not only the dance and hip-hop venues, but also
created some of the best rock songs with guitar solos that put many to
shame.  I can only say I will always love Prince and it will be
impossible for someone else to ever surpass him in the entertainment
industry. He, after all, played every instrument, wrote and sang every
note and produced the entire album 1999,  a feat nobody else has ever
done before, and when he did, making it one of the hottest and most
profitable albums of all time.  He lived his life in the zone all while
giving talented woman like Sheila E her much deserved road to fame  It
is impossible to describe just how much he will be missed. R.I.P Prince,
may heaven welcome you with purple rain in paisley fields playing
raspberry beret. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

Part 2 of the Fox News GOP presidential debate in Detroit

I appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad, as long as its not spam. Just answer the question Big Phat Head Donald. Come on Phat Head, answer the question Phat Head#DonTWumpet

MSNBC Pathetically Apologizes For Tweeting Truth About Right Wing Racists

Ever since Kieth Olbermann was fired, MSNBC is a fucking joke of a network. #NoTWithoutKO

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Barack Obama Isn't Interested In Change Anymore


The most disturbing part of this video was when Cenk revealed, once again, how the Affordable Care Act passed after making change after change on the bill to appease Republicans, without gaining a single vote from them in the end. So, this is one time the end does not justify the means.

I don't know about you, but every time they changed that bill it pissed me off. Why is it Obama feels the need to appease the Republicans rather than the people that voted for him. Even if the changes did gain support from the other side, knowing that it was absolutely unnecessary to get the bill passed is making my head steam like a boiling tea kettle.

We ended up passing the damn thing without any republican support, contrary to what they said, which was the Republicans filibustered it until we compromised.

If we did not even gain one vote, then what was the reason to make the changes to begin with? Well, I have a theory on that: Obviously, the democrats could have passed that bill with all the progressive ideas first put into it. That bill could have really been great and brought the real change Obama promised, but now with this one fact, this bill passed with 100% of the democrats and 0% of the republicans, then all the compromises we made were obviously because that's what Obama wanted, it had nothing to do with the republican filibuster.

It seems the Republicans just would not take a bullet for President Obama by denying him even one single vote, they made it clear it was nothing the Republicans asked for, but what our "progressive democrat" president insisted be added before he would sign it. To think I blamed the republicans for this 100%, and now I know they had nothing to do with it.

I appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad, as long as its not spam.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Top 5 Reasons to Prosecute Bush and Cheney | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid ...

Absolutely! Cheney is actually proud of this shit. Lets show him how proud he should be of fessing up to it! He is going to be lucky to be able to see what a great system we have, were sorry we couldn't book him a luxurious Guantanamo Bay Suite, but since we know how supportive you are for the private sector, we will accommodate you with a maximum security private prison here in America #JusTWalls4Cheney

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

McConnell To Obama: Forget That Supreme Court Seat

I swear these republican Jackasses are the most lazy, do nothing, bottom feeders that spit out nothing but hypocritical religious rhetoric that they themselves do not follow. Obama, spare us your "let's bring the two sides together" bullshit. We know you USED to be a Republican, and it's hard for you to face up to the fact that your old "friends" have forgotten you share the same beliefs as they have, but they threw your ass under the bus the day you got sworn in. Do yourself a favor and at least get some payback for yourself and the black people in this country.

Since you have allowed these right-wing big mouths to treat and talk to you with such disrespectful tones, and televisions all across the country carry the spankings in hi-def, not only are cops killing black men more then ever before, but you have given the green light to racists worldwide telling them it's perfectly acceptable to come spew their hatred on the poor and minorities in this country. If you don't knock them out soon, I shudder at just what kind of backlash that might bring if you keep allowing us to feel like were getting kicked in the teeth when were still licking our wounds.

HA! Progressive??? What a fricking joke!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jesse Ventura: 5 Most Corrupt Bills Passed by Congress With Jennifer Bri...

Frank Luntz: Millennials Are Extremely Liberal

I have been saying this forever. Whenever I hear the "liberal media" used as term I stop taking that person seriously. The media has been conservative since FOX News took over the political spear in journalism and Keith Olberman was fired from MSNBC. KO was the only one keeping things on an even scale, Maddow tries but she s not the intellectual genius that Kieth was as a host for news.
I'm glad they are finally realizing this country has way more progressive citizens then the pundants give us any credit for.

Suits 5x15 Promo "Tick Tock" (HD)

I cannot for the life of me understand how Mike is going to go down because he didn't attend Harvard. I think even this sitcom is caught up in a bubble of Harvard's importance. I don't give a shit if he graduated or not, I know he can pass the bar cause he's been cheating on other peoples exams for them to pass it. As far as I'm concerned, he IS a lawyer cause he PASSED the bar, or could easily do so if he takes it in HIS NAME. Why in the world don't they see this is a BLACK OR WHITE issue, either he CAN pass the bar or he CANNOT, whether he attended Harvard to learn how to do so is fucking irrelevant.

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