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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A Hillary Presidency Sustains The Neoliberal Nightmare - Or Does It?

I would argue that Hillary Clinton does NOT have the numbers that the fake media dictates right now, and the ONLY way to beat Trump is to go vote Jill Stein.  I don't think Clinton has any REAL supporters that are not surrogates.  She cannot fill a school gym, but Trump has managed to gain all racist's votes in this country and though I hate to admit it, he has at least people that are voting FOR HIM, and he has voters voting AGAINST HILLARY. At least, Stein would take the latter from him.

At first glance, it looks like Hillary is the only option to beat Trump, but when you see her non-support in the liberal and progressive groups, it becomes clear she is going to lose to Trump.  Then we will hear the same people that made the argument to vote for her say, "if only I would have known the real numbers were as bad as they were, I would have voted for Jill Stein who actually could of beaten A racist, pig headed egomaniac very easily!"  I would argue the only one who CAN LOSE to Trump is Hillary Clinton!

All of the other candidates would not stand a chance against Jill Stein when you look at the arguments and wisdom she has and REAL support she gets from anybody who listens to her views honestly.  If America continues to listen to fake medias numbers and believe these fake notions spewing nobody else can win, then our country is doomed and individual freedom is a thing of the past, because if the cooperation's get their way this time with the speed they have been taking us down, we are already a mark in the history books of yesterday with nobody to blame but ourselves and no other options to get us out of this shit-show were in.

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