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Sunday, August 23, 2015


Right-Wing Radio Talk Show Host Dan Michelson sharing his despicable and racist idea to grant "ownership" of illegal immigrants of Iowa, to the state.  

Conservative Talk Show Host Dan Michelson (ironically on WHO the fuck are you radio) said and believes one of the most despicable things I have heard on right wing radio (and that's a high bar there).   He wants to return America to the good ole days with "indentured servitude" by turning illegal immigrants into the "property" of the state of "Iowa."  

He was not done there.  Listen to the video on Young Turks where Cenk Yugar calls him out for the racist pig that he is.   It's a good thing he did, cause nobody else has, including the spineless democrats, but republicans not only didn't disavow him like they would have demanded immediately of the democrats and president, vice-president and everybody else they can throw in there, but some, like Scott Walker, have actually appeared on his show after the statements were made and did not say one word about it.

When a caller tried to call him out, saying the idea was clever (really) but it sounded like slavery to him, #TwhipumandshipumJan doubled down saying "what's wrong with slavery?" 
Holy shit! If you have no problem hearing those words come out of a mouthpiece screaming to hundreds, or thousands of people, then America is in big f'n trouble.  He explained, sure we will "feed and water" these "assets" with minimal amounts of nutrition, and have tent camps to hold entire families.

Heck, I bet your daughters would be the first auction this f'head would hold to sell off these "assets"!  Where the hell are America's leaders, where is FOX News calling for this guys head on a platter? Where are our politicians that used to stand for something besides "superpacs"? How can they all just ignore this kind of hateful, vile, language and let it go without incident  

It's still shocking to me that people are so hypnotized with their cell phones and electronic devices that they cannot even get enraged about topics that threaten not just America, but the entire world.  

A big shout out to TYT for reporting on this story!  Now if we could just get the truth out of you regarding "Fukushima" and the tragedy taking place in the Pacific Ocean, we might actually respect you again. The fact that your home is in California and yet, you continue to be quiet about the radioactive fall-out in our Pacific Ocean, when it should be the number one priority of all news agencies to warn Americans about swimming in the ocean and about eating the fish, is shocking.  This tragedy becomes deadlier every day from the "Nuclear fall-out" that has been pouring into the Pacific since March of 2011, and continues to release trillions of  PBq (petabecquerels, megacuries) of Plutonium, Stontium-90, Cesium-137, Tritium, and many others making the disaster now called "Chernobyl on steroids" by scientists like Helen Coldicott.  The truth used to be something you cared about, and what you used the platform you had to shine a light on.  Now the media blackout taking place includes you in it.  Come on TYT! Take the power back and live up to the "progressive news agency" you all claim to be. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Why are Ron and Rand Paul Crazy?

Why is it that whenever Ron or Rand Paul say anything controversial, they are labeled nuts and not taken seriously? It's one thing to be a senator like Louie Gohmert, who is a nut and never says anything reasonable about policy or asparagus, but Rand makes an effort to answer questions for even far left journalists like Rachel Maddow, asnd he is the crazy one. What was crazy was thinking she would have an honest conversation with him, but she refused to be professional and acted like Paul's beliefs on the civil rights act were racist, he still came on her show knowing she had an agenda and would try to embarrass him, but when that didn't work, she harassed him because he had different views than her on the subject. She tried to label him a racist just like she did to Ron Pail when he ran for president, and neither one of their actions come anything close to the prejudice she used during both of the interviews.

She has a bias toward the libertarian strain of republicans that somehow they are all racists. That does not mean some of the republican tea partiers are not racist, we have all heard the disgusting people and racist comments Sarah Palin brought out in her followers during the McCain campaign, but the Paul's are the only two politicians willing to fight the blatant racism in our justice system. They both talk about ending the drug war and death penalty because of the obvious bias toward black men and women in this country, and no other politicians, whether they are democrats or republicans, have been willing to even bring it up. The real racists are people like Rush Limbaugh and Donald Sterling, but I don't see either of them marginalized or stepping up for her interview of loaded questions. 

It doesn't matter if you disagree with Paul or not, I have never agreed with any politician 100% of the time, but I can tell you the Paul's talk about more of the subjects I care about and think are the most honest of the whole lot of them, including Rachel Maddow.

Now, there is Sam Seder, who I really love to listen to, but even this show is talking down about Paul's comments about vaccines. Even though Paul has said he thinks vaccines are important, there is nothing unreasonable about not wanting forced vaccinations, even though my niece “was forced” to vaccinate her baby son with over 25 different shots within one week or threatened with the CPS taking her child away. They are the ones that are unreasonable. Some of the vaccines are known to have mercury, a well-known deadly poison, in them, but the ones pushing the vaccines are “not forced” to do any real research with studies long enough to know what damage or side effects could be caused by taking or mixing them with other shots, and because of that I find it irresponsible of parents who don't look into what doctors want to call necessary before letting them inject me or my child with anything. Just because there are not any studies to suggest it's true, does not mean it isn't. We have to look into why there are not any studies that look into any negative effects that could occur from mixing “live virus” cultures. Have they, Sedar or Maddow, just forgot about the aids infected vaccinations that Bayer knowingly shipped to the U.K. After being forced to remove it from the shelves of the U.S. Just to save their profits, as the FDC turned a blind eye. Not only that, how the hell did the vaccines get infected to begin with?

One last thing, just because the Paul's are not Democrats does not mean some far leftists, like me, do not want to hear from them without the snickers and synoscism, frankly I want a truthful conversation no matter what topic it is from all parties, and one thing the Paul's give is their honest opinions, not some “talking point”.  If you don't agree...move on to what you do agree with like:
"Getting rid of the “police state”"
“floating prisons”, 
“the drug war”, 
the “Iraq war” or 
“perpetual wars”, 
all of which the Paul's will gladly discuss. I cannot think of any other politicians who I agree with more, Democrat or Republican! So, until you are willing to say all the above topics are not as important as your belief that the context of something they said “sounded crazy” to you, think about how crazy it really is that we are not having the discussions I mentioned above already, in any context.

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