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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Obama pastor's words ring familiar in Chicago (National)

Here it is again. The race card playing itself out in the media. We hear the pastors words over and over and each time they shock us again. Honestly, what is so shocking? What is it that makes us ignore all the important things in our race to the white house? Pretty soon were going to be asking why the presidents house is white and not painted black.

How can people be so foolish every time someone says something about race. Stop focusing on these little things that divide us and start focusing on bringing us together. Obama didn't even say it! His pastor did. He said many things that may offend some, but obviously not the ones he is talking to. It resonates with his audience there whether we agree or not, they did.

What a speech though in response to this crisis. Obama said all the things he should of said immediately in response to this nonsense. Bravo senator!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Media Spotlight II

Winter Soldier

Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) held a conference and took the testimony of many Veterans about their personal experiences in Iraq mainly due to our medias terrible display of mediocre journalism and lack of moral ethics in what little news they did report.

When the media fails to be the “police of the government” like they have done so well on the past it is not only a threat to our democracy, but it is the primary reason that gross violations of government entities occur.

It is a gruesome fact that Iraq has become the hell on earth we have all imagined and it is playing out in the minds and souls of out soldiers there on a daily basis.

Listen to these men and learn about stop-loss. As Bush called for the redeployment of 30,000 troops for a surge to contain Iraq security, most of the men asked to stay and fight had already received their papers home. They were packing their bags to go home in the morning when they were told they had been stop-lossed. This is a term all Americans should become familiar with so they can fight it from occurring in the future.

One thing you will find abundantly clear in the first few minutes of this conference is that there is not one news channel there rolling tape and recording for broadcast news around the world. That is very sad that one of the most important conferences taking place is not considered a newsworthy event to any of our American stations. Bravo to Democracy Now for airing each and every one of the testimonies given at this conference and for trying to do what every journalist in America should feel is their own patriotic duty to do, report the real news about the Iraq war from the first hand witnessed accounts of our American Veterans.

Every other media outlet should feel ashamed of working for organizations that would blatantly ignore something as important as this meeting and should be aware that eventually the ignorance and willful service to one particular party and one particular opinion will be shown for what it is, a disgraceful misplacement of loyalty.

Our American soldiers and people in this war are being forced to make decisions that no human should be asked to make and until this country recognizes the need to bring our troops home the war will continue on this thing called democracy.

Pacific Post

Potential rival to mayor's cousin gets city appointment (Local)
Ricardo Lara is named to the Planning Commission days after he dropped out of the race for an Assembly seat coveted by Villaraigosa relative John Perez.

How to get yourself arrested -- YouTube-style (Local)

The Olive Branch

New York's new governor admits affairs (National)
David Paterson admits infidelities that ended 'several years ago.' But he says he did not break the law or his oath of office.

Pacific Post

O.C. 'Scar Face' bandit strikes again (Local)

Freed after 25 years, former inmate rejoices (Local)
Willie Green spent a quarter-century in prison for a murder he says he did not commit. He was released Thursday.

Route 66

State Department fires 2, disciplines 1 for looking at Barack Obama's passport file (National)

McCain aide suspended for publicizing anti-Obama video (National)
The low-level staffer had helped spread the word about a video that interspersed the words of the Democrat with incendiary comments from his pastor.

On the Bypass

Bear Stearns gets emergency loan from Fed (International)
Bear Stearns, squeezed by the sub-prime crisis, needs an emergency loan. Its stock plunges, and wariness grows.

Chinese troops pour into Tibet (International)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Jump in homicides a vexing challenge for LAPD brass (Local)
Killings, many of them random and unrelated, are up sharply in the city. 'One death is one too many, but we think it's a bit of an anomaly,' a police official says.

This article is especially important for those of us who live in the Los Angeles area. Homicides are on the rise according to this article it said, "It is not crooks killing crooks. It is crooks killing or shooting children, athletes and police officers, and that influences people's perception of events."

The increase in homicides is being analyzed, but no one has a solution to stem the violence. For now Chief Earl Paysinger has decided to put more cops on the streets in uniform to show the city they are there to protect them and help them feel safe.

Some of the most baffling data the article said, "the rising homicide rate is set against a 5.1% decline in violent crime overall that includes a more than 2% drop in rapes and aggravated assaults, as well as a 25% drop in gang-related homicides."
Paysinger said it some of the higher numbers are from homicides including multiple killings.

The article concludes some good news and said, "the numbers so far are a reversal for Los Angeles, which over the last five years has enjoyed significant drops in homicides and crime in general." The chief siad he remains optimistic that the numbers will level off in the coming months.

Media Spotlight II

Bush vetoes bill to ban waterboarding (National)

He calls tough interrogation methods 'valuable tools' in fighting terrorists. Democrats likely do not have enough votes to override the president's rare veto.

This article is very important in todays news. Not only does it point to the glaring fact that this president is continuing to use harsh techniques that are considered "war crimes" like waterboarding prisoners of war, but it shows the GOP candidate,
John McCain, has flip-flopped once again. This time it is against his own policies.

McCain, a POW in the vietnam war, has always been against torture until a recent vote when McCain sided once again with President Bush.

It is proof that there is nothing McCain stands for that can be considered solid beliefs of his own.

It is a sad day when the senate and the congress move like it's a stalemate in a chess game on the house floor. These stagnant votes grinding against presidential vetos is really taking its toll. America is feeling the 50/50 split among its democrat and republican citizens, and no one dares to mention the "R" word that is already pinching the middle class down while gas and food prices continue to climb.
To say that something has gone seriously wrong is one thing, but to continue to let it go on and do nothing to stop it is something seriously baffling.

On the Bypass

Reputed Global Arms Dealer Arrested (International)
Russian Accused of Supplying Weapons in Africa, Mideast

Route 66

Opposition to Calif. tailpipe limits comes from surprising corner (National)
Schwarzenegger's effort to help fight global warming may be undone by the state's own congressional Republicans.

Pacific Post

Central American studies gaining acceptance (Local)
The degree program at Cal State Northridge seeks to advance knowledge about the millions of migrants in the U.S. and their history. It touches some lingering sore spots too.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Media Spotlight I

The people's prince: with Harry in Afghanistan. Dog of war or PR pawn? (International)

This story is newsworthy even it is not one of our leaders and he is not even the first in line to be leader in Britain, but he is a prince who was fighting in the front lines of Afghanistan and that is heroic. If there is one thing everybody loves to hear about it is a hero. Nobody would have asked Harry to go to Afghanistan and fight in the war and they wouldn't have put him on the frontline if they did.

This article focuses on a different perception about the whole thing though and to tell you the truth I am torn. It brings up a valid point here. If you are a prince and you go and fight on the frontline with the troops, but the whole trip you are being followed around by a camera and photographer eventually you expect the newspapers to make the war about you. This should not be a war about any one single person. Knowing that, I am torn between the heroism of it all and the whole thing becoming more self-centered focus to be used effectively as a tool to fix some PR problems for the prince.

I can see the articles point of using this whole thing for PR repair, but hey what a way to fix it! Go Harry!

Media Spotlight II

Obama to be in background of trial (National)
The candidate's aides say the corruption case of early donor Tony Rezko will be a distraction but won't harm the campaign.

This is a newsworthy article because it involves a Chicago businessman, accused of extortion, that has been a long-time supporter of Barack Obama. According to the times article Obama's career as a lawyer and politician was nurtured by Antoin "Tony" Rezko. Obama had been candid when asked previously about his relationship with Rezko. This could be very damaging to Obama.
Regarding the Rezko trial, the Times said, the judge “ruled that prosecutors could introduce evidence that Rezko used "straw donors" to give to politicians, apparently including Obama.” The article said, “Rezko allegedly gave money to at least two associates to make separate $10,000 contributions to Obama, one in December 2003 and another in March 2004.”

The real question regarding this article is what Obama's candidates aids say. They seem to suggest that the trial of this man will not hurt Obama. I am starting to think that nothing will. They actually might be right and that is absolutely wrong. Obama should be held accountable for these “straw donors” just like Hillary Clinton was for Mr. Norman Hsu. Hsu was also believed to be accepting “straw donors” for her campaign, and she rightfully returned $850,000 to the donors that Hsu had collected for her.

Hillary has been taking a lot of heat for problems with her campaign. It seems that it should be her opponents turn to feel the temperature rise. For now, all that is rising in Obamas campaign is delegates

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