The most disturbing part of this video was when Cenk revealed, once again, how the Affordable Care Act passed after making change after change on the bill to appease Republicans, without gaining a single vote from them in the end. So, this is one time the end does not justify the means.
I don't know about you, but every time they changed that bill it pissed me off. Why is it Obama feels the need to appease the Republicans rather than the people that voted for him. Even if the changes did gain support from the other side, knowing that it was absolutely unnecessary to get the bill passed is making my head steam like a boiling tea kettle.
We ended up passing the damn thing without any republican support, contrary to what they said, which was the Republicans filibustered it until we compromised.
If we did not even gain one vote, then what was the reason to make the changes to begin with? Well, I have a theory on that: Obviously, the democrats could have passed that bill with all the progressive ideas first put into it. That bill could have really been great and brought the real change Obama promised, but now with this one fact, this bill passed with 100% of the democrats and 0% of the republicans, then all the compromises we made were obviously because that's what Obama wanted, it had nothing to do with the republican filibuster.
It seems the Republicans just would not take a bullet for President Obama by denying him even one single vote, they made it clear it was nothing the Republicans asked for, but what our "progressive democrat" president insisted be added before he would sign it. To think I blamed the republicans for this 100%, and now I know they had nothing to do with it.
#ObamaDidNoTWantChangeI appreciate any feedback you have, good or bad, as long as its not spam.
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