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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Las Vegas Libertarian Debate Hosted by Penn Jillette

Last Libertarian Debate

Well, you are all going to be glad to find out there is another choice for president, Gary Johnson and Willian "Bill" Welds, who is the new chosen libertarian candidate and VP for 2016.; Mark my words, these two are going to make history.; It's exactly the "out" that people are looking for on the "Crazy Trump" side and the "Bernie or Bust" side.

This is the place where revolutions are made.; Come on America, the time is now, the place is here, and the reasons are plenty to make the jump from the losers heading the G.O.P. and the D.N.C. and join the winning ticket.;

It's refreshing to swim with new ideas, on a brand new shiny platform, and the knowledge that libertarians are on 50 state ballets,; and as soon as the polling goes up from the current 10% to just 15%, they are also included in the debates.; That should be the only goal now, so the ideas and beliefs of these three men can be put in play to shape America's future.

John Mcafee

John Mcafee has obviously seen the success of Donald Trumps campaign, (his knowledge of the entertainment in the television industry) as the one guaranteed way to bring libertarians into full view of the American people.; I will say I don't think we have to be naked to do it, but it does take a little bit of crazy (Alex Jones crazy) to get the attention of a society that has been lulled to sleep.

Austin Peterson

Austin Peterson had the most sensible and well structured answers than anyone on stage, and I thought he won, but obviously Johnson did, and I'm perfectly happy with him too. Austin spoke of many hurdles for entraprenuers that have put up as roadblocks to stifle their success. Even though it is impossible to know what he meant by this Johnson should definately delve into this discussionm further and see what changes can be made to fix the problem.

Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson offers a very intelligent and confident way forward, especially on the health care industry.; He is the first person I have agreed with that said they wanted to get rid of Obamacare, and that's because he proposed that he sees a United States filled with "Gall Bladders 'R' Us", "Staples 'R' Us",; and "Hearts 'R' Us", which is definitely, if nothing else, a coherent strategy.; It would make the surgeries cheaper, open millions of jobs up, and most important;y stop the insurance companies from profiting on life and death matters in America.

Candidate Gary Johnson is the winner of the above competition, he has the heart of a libertarian along with the name that people recognize (All three do actually), he is about to step into a race that will define who we are as individuals, and be a voice that will stampede the stubborn few by gaining the power of the many.; This will be a campane made up of highly intelligent people, "the best people" (lol).

Great Choices

Look at the choices made for this last debate, putting Penn Jillette as the moderator was a perfect choice made from the party's representatives, and proving that they understand each decision from now forward will have to be perfect, well thought out, and include a little bit of crazy to achieve a libertarian victory and make sure Gary Johnson becomes the next American president.

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