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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Lawrence O'Donnell Defends FBI Lying

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Thorium can give humanity clean, pollution free energy | Kirk Sorensen |...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dems Quietly Give Trump Spying Powers w/Patriot Act Renewal

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rising Up | Bernie 2020

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Secret Abortions in West Hills Hospital

I'm looking for any girl who may have had a terrible abortion experience in CA West Hills Hospital. We were brought in groups and I would say secretly due to the circumstances.  I would really like to hear your experiences to see if they match mine. Thank you.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Iran Threatens 'All Out War'

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Jim Carrey | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ben Shapiro: Civil Discourse | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)


When Ben Shapiro is the voice of reason, you should really rethink your argument about Trumps colluding with Rusia being utter bullshit Bill.

A very liberal voice on the left

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Meghan McCain VERY Angry at The New York "Slimes" Over Kavanaugh Story

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Dumbest Ad Of All Time Targets AOC

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

TERRIFYING: US On Brink Of War With Iran After Saudi Oil Fields Attacked

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

US drops 40 tons of bombs on ‘ISIS’ island

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Pamela Anderson Defends Julian Assange On The View

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Trump REFUSES To Investigate Right-Wing Extremists

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Friday, August 2, 2019

TYT LIVE: Justice for ERIC GARNER?; Trump DUMPS Intel Nom; Lindsey Graha...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Here's Why Trump Should Probably Stop Telling People To Leave America

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Is Planet X or Nibiru Now Causing the Earth to Completely Change its Axi...

Is Planet X or Nibiru Now Causing the Earth to Completely Change its Axi...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder

#WhaTWithSolarSystem #WhaTWithPlanetX

Saturday, June 22, 2019

My Lame Ass and Friend Maria Figuring out "Follow My Face" Feature!

Friday, May 10, 2019


#TwistedSpeech #RevisiTWriting #JusTWriteitAgain
We are here to honour our mothers and fathers our sisters and brothers, our daughters and our sons. Our aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews, and cousins. All of our great family members and our friends. Especially our friends. Some of who were our sworn enemies not that long ago.
They came together and left behind all the hatred and viciousness that had brewed in our families for generations. They left it all behind so we could fight as one people and win this battle together, to assure our civilization would see a new day, a better tomorrow and a peaceful winter again
To those that died this day let them be remembered for their bravery, as it they that took on the fiercest of enemies... their own fears and nightmares.
They looked death in the face and stood their ground. They were the Shields of men. We will remember their names even when man no longer draws breath Their names will never be forgotten For even as the light was fading and the demons ahead of them looked bleak and defeating, they pushed forward into the darkness and did not give up, they did not give in, they found a way to drag men back into the light so that we all can live, together, again.

Heartbeat Bill Forcing 11 - Y/O Sexual Assault Victim To Have Baby

It's time to start passing laws against a male ejaculate ing and calling that murder if they're going to do it against women for having abortions especially for their rapist babies at 11 years old I say it's about that time we make the men feel the same thing when they ejaculate and kill their babies by splattering on the wall or wherever they're putting it this is not right after just another way for them to put their their boot on the throat of women and keep us down because it's a man's world and they want to overturn roe versus wade I don't know why they wanna do that in a time there were already overpopulated as it is instead of instead of wanting to do you know 'cause they don't care about us once we are born then they don't give a s*** so this needs to be stopped in the only way I can see it stopping is if we make the men feel the same thing that the women are feeling at this moment

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Supercomputer: Watson(IBM computing system) - Documentary [HD]

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"RUN AWAY" - These "Insects" Are NOT What You Think.

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Match Finders - SNL

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Mueller Report: Trump Thought His Presidency Was Over!

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Trump's Reaction To 9/11: 'I Now Have the Tallest Building In Lower Manh...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Finally, A Reporter Challenges Dick Cheney

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Meghan McCain's Brain Gets Rattled On WikiLeaks

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Alien Speech? Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Massive Trump Facepalm. How Is This Man PRESIDENT???

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

WHERE Do They Come From?.. No One Can Explain What's Inside Earth!

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

WATCH: Dianne Feinstein's Smug Response to Kids Worried About Climate Ch...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Friday, February 15, 2019

' Mika Brzezinski ANGRILY HUMILIATES Mcconnell After He Said He Supports...

' Mika Brzezinski ANGRILY HUMILIATES Mcconnell After He Said He Supports...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019



The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Photos TAKEN BY Alien Spacecraft? 9/26/17

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Countdown: The Michael Moore Wikileaks Segment

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

"MOON" Of Jupiter Is Acting Very Strange..

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Ecuador Turns Off Julian Assange's Internet

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Jimmy Dore on Bernie Sanders, AOC, Venezuela, Corporate Media

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Rehab: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Taking Down Passive Aggressive Progressive Jimmy Dore

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Deal or No Deal Cold Open - SNL

Wow Even SNL is afraid to include AOC in a simple spoof, as they barely say her name

and seem to not want to include her at all WTG AOC you must be doing everything right

Friday, January 18, 2019

Progressives Cave To Pelosi On PayGo

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Best UFO Sightings Of November And December 2018

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

President Trump Renews Threat To Declare National Emergency To Build Bor...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Monday, January 7, 2019

You Might Wanna Watch This Video Right Away.. (2018-2019)

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Time Travel Possible From StarGates

Finally, proof time-travel is possible. We know star gates exist after Jack Scutter, a NASA researcher, found a portal opened when the sun and earth's magnetic field joined together. These "X" points can take objects from the earth and transport it to the sun 93 million miles away in an instant.

Although these "X" points are hard to predict and very unstable, I am sure with more research and testing, in time, they will prove to be a significant sign of proof that our ancestors time traveled, and that time is an illusion developed for human understanding.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Something Is Happening On Saturn.. Are THEY Hiding It? (2018-2019)

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Journalism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Journalism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Why Republicans Continue to Back Brett Kavanaugh - The Jim Jefferies Show

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

Watch Kavanaugh Duck Sexual Questions He Advocated For Clinton | The Bea...

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

In newly released 1998 memo, Kavanaugh slams Clinton

The new POTUS is a symptom of the failings of the undemocratic party that has sold America to the highest bidder.

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