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Friday, October 7, 2016

Trump Voters Are Angry? Here’s What’s Worthy of Anger | The Closer with ...


Kieth, I love you but...I
have had enough of the bullshit lie that Hillary Clinton stands a
chance in hell of beating anybody in the coming elections.  She
cannot fill a school gym with motivated supporters that are not
surrogates for her campaign.   

She inspires nobody, and
stands for nothing.  She has thumbed her nose at real
progressives that are supposed to be her base for the entirety of
both of her campaigns, and has only taken on views that are really
the beliefs of others, like Bernie Sanders, when forced to, proving
she will never fight for the majority of what democrats want in this
country. She cannot stand progressives or their views.  She
proudly claims to be a moderate and is always happiest when she is
pissing off her "supposed" party by doing things like
hiring Debbie "Whatever Hillary Wants" Schultz immediately
after progressives successfully booted her from her position as chair
of the DNC.

Anybody, including you, and I
love you to death Kieth, who says she is the only one who stands a
chance in hell of beating anybody without thoroughly rigging the
coming elections are not being honest with themselves or others. 
When you look at the non-support she has from her base and the lack
of any real momentum for her, especially when she is running against
the worst candidate ever put forward by the republican party, Donald
Fucking Trump, a man who should of been demolished on any issue, embarrassed by even trying to become president of the free world, and
left begging to please make it stop and send him running off stage in
fear he will ruin his brand forever, is all the proof I need that she
is going to LOSE.

If progressives do not find a
way to dump her and vote for a real progressive like Bernie or Jill
Stein then we are all going to suffer the consequences. Hillary has
shown what kind of woman she is by not stepping down when her email
scandal became the centerpiece of Trumps campaign.  If she
couldn't put America first now, then she never will. When Jill Stein
was faced with that kind of choice, she actually offered Sanders top
billing on the green party platform after he was cheated and
belittled by the DNC  in the primaries.  A choice that must
have been hard, but she made look easy. She is as gracious as she is
smart and would make a supreme American President, (and she too is
female...for those who think this must be the glass ceiling 
moment in history, at least chose the right woman)

If Bernie really wanted to
win, he would have taken her offer seriously, but Jill showed she was
a true believer in what Americans need in this country more than bout a little humility? She deserves much more respect
than the media gives her, and Kieth, even you have overlooked the
fact that Hillary's background puts her neck and neck with Trump in
popularity polls.  That is to say, it is only Hillary that can
lose to such a superficial, egomaniac, like Trump.

As people see Hillary
courting war mongers like Henry Kissinger, as men she admires, and
continues not just ignoring her base, but slapping them in the face
with VP picks like Tim Cane, she becomes only less popular and hatred
of her solidifies and becomes permanent until there is nothing she
can do or say to get her own base to stand behind, around, or beside
let alone... stand with her.  



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