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Friday, September 12, 2008

Bush may try to steal the 2008 election for McCain

People of the United States pay close attention to the elections in your country.

When you realize what is going on in the inner workings of Washington you begin to see that there will be an uprising coming soon.

Washington has been pouring millions of dollars in the renovations of FEMA camps all over the U.S. The funds will not go to waste.

If your like me you wonder just what would cause the government to be able to utilize these facilities in America.

After all this country has been through in the last 8 years I tremble to think about how Americans would react to another fraudulant election taking place in November 2008.

I hope you will all join in the polls this year and vote for Obama because if McCain/Palin win this election there is no telling how many Americans will be detained and with the extreme views of these two polititians America is truely in eminant danger of having her liberty stripped from her until the next revolution.

I cannot think of anything better or easier for the Nazis in Washington to instigate intentionally than to steal the presidency of the United States again.

Americans may be forced to riot if they feel the hands of Bush, Rove, Cheney and other war mongers had an influence on this race. They are nothing more than war profiteers that have been taring at the constitution and undermining America's reputation by believing that they are all above the law.

This administration has no moral or legal standards that it abides by. It just writes new laws around its own actions and judges itself to remove all accountability. The methods of propaganda and persuasion have been effectivly pushing the policies of this administration forward just enough for quick senate votes on more bad laws and policies.

Fight for your freedom America or you will lose it sooner than you think. The time is now to care. If you do not know what I am talking about you better learn fast. We need your help. Everyone must do their part to keep America free from the clutches of right wing extremists like Palin. She is their hero for a reason. Listen to her words well for these are the views we will have forced down our throats if we allow them to steal this election like Bush did.

It is obvious that McCain would not care how he became president. If he has to lie, he will, change his opinion to match that of Bush, so be it. He has no morals left in him. He left his patriotism the day he starting backing Bush's every move.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Closer: Problem Child

Where does it go wrong for children that turn bad? Is it in the genes or are they bred that way?

The Closer: Dial M for Provenza

This episode opens with Provenza working undercover on a murder for hire scheme with the wife at the scandalous center as a suspect. It was about to wrapped up nice and neat until Provenza's car gets slolen along with all the evidence they had.

The Closer: Live Wire

Live Wire is the episode of blow-outs. Sergeant Gabriel and Detective Danials have an erormous blow-out at work leading to Brenda blowin up at the both of them. It also contained an explosive argument between Brenda and Fritz after Brenda led Fritz to believe she was going to turn her case over to him, but boy was she wrong. (No, it's not a typo)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A True Leader

A leader above all must be well respected and one way to achieve this respect, as a leader, is by taking a stance on controversial issues or by performing actions that provoke change. This change should be the grounds on which this leader stands at all costs. For the same grounds will hold the followers of said leader. The respect comes when the leader continues to hold the same significance or importance on the same issues without fear of losing followers. There we have the difference between political and military leaders.

The more respected of the two leaders is without a doubt the military leader. These leaders work very hard every day to become the leaders they are. They carry out orders from higher ranked leaders with supreme efficiency and order. Thereby creating better leaders from the training and hard work that are daily routines in their lives. Rank by rank increments increase their position of leadership and are by far the most respectable leaders in our world today.

Our political leaders are respected because of their ability to remain a leader without necessarily taking a stance or provoking change on any controversial issues. This is primarily because the political leader is trying to lead a much wider range of followers. They can not take a stance on issues as this would narrow the people following them, and in politics it is the people that elect you as their leader and so numbers matter.     


Friday, June 27, 2008

A Leftist View on Fear Policy

Our democracy has inaugurated pirates to repeat past mistakes we have already learned. The streets of New York have been used like its playground to blame for the evil when the tables are turned. The first phase of their powers took just a few hours, Bush sat in the schoolhouse while our towers burned. Then remained through the danger, as if nothing seemed stranger, to remain with the children after what he had learned.

In just a short while, and in a demolition style, our towers imploded and the story commenced.  We were told from Osama, but all through the drama, he remains free but we watched Hussein Lynched.

The lies have exploded, our policies corroded, each word that you speak is senseless and untrue. Your only true policy is fear of democracy, as you re-write what we stand for according to you. You are paying off media, outlets and reporters, to withhold anything that has its own view.  We ask for a reason, your acts become treason, stating we would agree, “If we knew what you knew”.

War crimes are committed, torture is now admitted, and the commanders now face a brand new challenge. With no Geneva convention, it has created new tension, to calm the blue soldiers who seek to avenge.  Your words leak like venom, through every addendum to policies by this administration.  Still nothing, to show for, this incredibly slow war, if the war in Iraq is a true demonstration.


They have made “free speech” a “no speech zone”. Habeas corpus, the cornerstone, “for Americas laws, is as good as you get”.  The right to know a reason they have chosen to arrest you, it is very American to have the great writ. Still this administration, without hesitation, removes habeas corpus somehow to fight terror.  Removing this right, should have put up a fight, from Americans who saw this incredible error. Some leftists reporters, say drugs from our borders, have links that tie our own Cheney and Bush, would explain two patrol men, locked up for their role in arresting a drug lord for drugs that they push.


They pay off the media outlets, reporters and think tanks. They fire district attorneys that do not share their views, they hand off the headlines to make all the deadlines and make all the papers for tomorrows news..  The views of the few become the facts of the many. Individual reporters fight the embedded view. Stories used to be filtered but never were censored; stories once primetime are now kept from you. There are Journalists with photos but no photojournalists. Stories have become neutered, fixed on words filled with fear. Some even implanted, like September 11, No interviews with anyone asking real questions here. 


Do not mention dead soldiers, death tolls, or coffins. No pictures of the war, or drills on 7/7, do not use the word invasion, instead call it occupied. Or how the same eerie drills ran on 9-eleven. Lose all our emails along with a smooth trillion. While sneaking a billion packed on crates on a ship.  Lie again about weapons of our own mass construction and then use the same chemicals on more than one trip.

Bush decides he is the decider and he de-sides how he is doing.  His mind is made-up, to the wrong choice again. His final decision is that he has not yet decided. Either you agree with these decisions or the terrorist win.  He accomplishes nothing but he has drained all our resources. In addition, spread out our Forces incredibly thin. We hear temporary involvement, and build permanent bases.  Announce mission accomplished, but increase troops again. No levels or benchmarks we know our results, and repeat the same mistakes until there is no end.  Our results? Low ended! Our resources? Gone! We have no real advantage and we have no more friends. 


Our future is bleak and tomorrow uncertain. But, you've certainly cashed the blank check we gave. How can we give what is readily taken.  You use men like toy soldiers until they lie in their grave.  I cannot fight for you. I will rise against you.  The policies you offer I do not choose to save.  Your wasting our money you say to buy oil, but when your questioned of progress have nothing to say. You bring death and disaster, and nothing but turmoil. I just hope we return you the favor someday.

If I Were President!

I have an abundance of awards and ribbons for almost every athletic activity. Running, Jumping, Sit-ups, and Pull-ups.

I have always been very political, but just never pursued the field because the people I would share my time with would end up being other politicians. However, in light of the situation at hand I feel this is a sacrifice easily adjusted and necessary to talk some humanity in to each and every one of them.

I am currently a returning Journalism Student at CSUN. I was born in Baltimore, MD and I am 40 years young. I do plan to write on many of the ethics of this new administration and do all I can to try and sway the minds of anyone still behind the ideas and behavior of this group, but not to the left or right, to the center of the common good of the nation.

I believe in the good people of America, and the greatness of our proud heroes. I know that we can overcome the damage of a corrupt administration through the deliverance of justice and the necessity of truth. There is always responsibility that comes with being an enormous power, but it is not to use brutal force to steal wealth and luxuries from a weaker nation. It is to set prime examples of greatness through humanity and good will. It is to represent yourself as leading the way in to a brighter future by holding the #1 position in education, healthcare and above all economic growth and prosperity.

It is to never fall to the levels of others and instead remain standing strong and tall, proud and free. These are not mere words to be used up like wet napkins they are words that America was built on. They are words that describe what we must be made of especially in times that show signs of an evil corruption that is feeding on the hopes and dreams of our future by keeping us fearful of it.

People, Good People, stay strong and fight hard to keep the freedoms we have fought so long to create. Fight against this bitter few. Turn off your television sets, and do what is right, do whatever you can, use your influence and beautiful minds to lead our troops home!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Is the United States a True Free Society?

In the next few paragraphs, I am going to discuss what freedom means to me. I will explain what ways I feel freedom is vital to the art of being human. In addition, whether freedom is an inherent right of humankind and how our societal institutions limit our personal freedom and how all this make total freedom impossibility, even in a free society.

The idea of freedom is a strong desire for any human being and one that is worth fighting, and even dying for. What is life if it cannot be experienced free? The problems with freedom always arise when we deal with the very real and easily corruptible side of humankind. Unfortunately, it is very easy for man to be corrupted by greed and power to which freedom quickly shrinks and bows in comparison. You see, as strong as the desire to be free is it is not even comparable when you look at the desire to be rich and powerful.

Our institutions were designed to keep some of those checks and balances in place, so that when any one member or members began to jeopardize a society's freedom by utilizing too much power or greed or took away another individuals freedom we could remove that entity from their position and in theory assure our members were out of harms way.

One way this system is flawed is that jurors are not paid very much money for their services. Employers wrongly are given a choice to pay them (should be mandatory) or not, so some people receive only $5.00 a day from our government for their services. This, I feel, harms our system as jury members may be more willing to stay and state their opinions longer if they did not feel forced by loss or no income of their own to come to swift and often hasty verdicts. Not only that, our institutions are also ran by corruptible men who see that filling their prisons makes their pockets thicker and it has come to the point now that any member who becomes a prisoner gets tangled in the politics of institutions for the rest of their lives even after they are released back into society.

However, after the 2006 passing of the military commissions act, almost all of our bill of rights was eliminated with the removal of Habeas Corpus. George W. Bush rushed this bill through so fast some members did not even read it before they signed it. It eliminates our right to ask why we are being imprisoned and hold us indefinitely without even showing us the evidence against us. Without that right, our first right, freedom of speech becomes mute, our second right to bear arms will be hard to do if we are imprisoned indefinitely, our fourth search and seizure becomes a mute point, trials? Forget it there goes the fifth, speedy trials, no! There goes 6th and 7th, 8th bails? Right Ninth? Other rights retained by the people, well as Keith Olbermann says about the 9th and 10th if you can name them while were water boarding you maybe we will consider it. In addition, powers not delegated by the US Government, he reminds us that is where they ended up anyway.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bloody September: The Simulated War

Bloody September (The Simulated War)

Patrick Henry said: " We are apt to shut our eyes against the painful truth...Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be the number of those, who having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not...? For my part whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth and to know it... now." " We are engaged in a struggle for liberty and truth right now, and the truth shall set


black smoke means the fire is running out of oxygen! Cool fire! About to go out! How do you go from cool to collapsed? Not only that! I bet these towers look a lot bigger than you thought they were huh?

Thats because the government released this pix of the skyline instead.

New York Skyline

This photo is very misleading as it does not show you just how3 large the twin towers actually are

Twin Towers

This is the photo that should have been used to give people the correct perception on the twin towers enormous size

There are lots of unresolved issues regarding September 11th. These issues will torment the few survivors and families everyday they remain unanswered. I stand by them all needing to be readdressed and answered with competance based on relevant information. They are haunting our democratic nation with there very existence. I am confident that if the people knew all of the conflicting evidence to the "Official 9/11 Report" they too would demand the answers to at least three.

My first question is "How did the twin towers collapse?"

We start with our government's claims: Two government agencies FEMA and NIST. endorsed the "pancake theory", which is defined in short as the mass of the overhanging part of the building simply crushing the part underneath, accelerating as it falls. Think for a minute, picture in your mind what you might expect that to look like. The floors are pancaking down, with a gradual acceleration, they finally stop. What would you expect to see? How long would it have taken? What would it have sounded like?

Did it look anything like this?


The building is clearly shooting debris up and outward away from the buildings interior, it is not just caving in upon itself and burying everything on the inside by collapsing upon itself.

Testimonies from witnesses say that they heard, saw or felt multiple explosions.

Paramedic Daniel Rivera said "[I]t was [like a] professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors" and then you hear it, bang bang, bang, bang, bang. (Riviera 1)

Check out this schematic of what UNOFFICIALLY DID happen!

Another firefighter, one of the first to arrive on the scene said "when we entered the lobby it looked like someone had put a plane through it" . They were told a fireball traveled through the elevator shaft. (Cassaliggi 1)

This is a report on seismic evidence and melted molten steel from 9/11. Proving that there were explosions on ground level floors before the collapse of the towers. [Bollyn 1]

Hundreds of witnesses interviewed said that explosions were felt on various levels of the buildings before and during the buildings collapsing.

After the ridiculous release of our governments official "9/11 Report", families were left with more questions than answers. They came out with a "pancake theory" as the reason for the building collapse. Many Scholars, Engineers and Scientists easily debunked this unlikely event. In fact, the release of this report only infuriated new york residents, and now made the families of loved ones that knew it was not plausible more angry than ever before. The editors of Fire Engineering Magazine even called the release "a half baked farce."( fire engineering 1 ).

Pyroclastic Flow

Scientists say there are only two ways to create this pyroclastic flow of smoke we see here. One is through volcanic activity and the other is with explosives.

Engineers immediately point out that the government is denying the very existence of 45 massive beams that stood at the center of each trade center. They further note that even if the "pancake theory" were true the walls would have fell around the beams which would have still remained standing in such a collapse.

Even the Standards of Technology denied the "pancake theory" as the reason for the WTC collapsing.

The Scientific Proof that explosives and not fire was the cause of the towers collapse has been explored and proven by many respected sources.

Matthys Levy and Matio Salvadorei, two structural engineers, even conclude in their book, " When buildings fall down: How structures fail " , that explosives were the only thing that could have caused complete structural failure for the twin towers and building 7, (shown below) that was never hit by planes. This is one frame per second. The whole building fell in less than 6 seconds. It was half the size of the towers.

They show us that squibs were present , which are puffs of smoke, these are a clear indication that pre positioned explosives were used to bring down the towers.

It is a fact that steel has a melting point of 2800º and that the kerosene from the aircraft, even FEMA admits, would have been burned off very quickly, and never got hotter than 500º.

They are many examples of other fires that were larger, hotter, and much longer lasting than those at the twin towers and not one of them had caused complete structural failure.

Madrid Remains

One example was on Feb. 1 2005, The Windsor, in Madrid, Spain, burned uncontrollably for 18 hours, reached temperatures of 2,000º. The charred tower remained standing with structure in tact.

The goal of controlled demolition is to use explosives to bring down a structure into its own footprints without any air resistance. Keeping in mind that that is exactly how these structures came down, it should have at least been a hypothesis for the 9/11 Commission to recognize and evaluate .


How can our government still deny that explosives were used to bring these towers down when we all saw tower 7 collapse at freefall speed with our own eyes and not even be hit by a plane?

We must ask "What did our government do, if anything, to stop it?"

Former LAPD officer, interviewed a NORAD official, and said that the official even gave him with written proof that "Vigilante Warrior" was in effect on the morning of Sept 11th 2001.

This is a "live fly exercise" involving terrorist's hi-jacking planes.

FAA was also doing at least 5 simulated training exercises

That produced false radar blips on the screens, confusing our air traffic controllers.

Left us with only 3 fighter jets to protect the U.S. Skies

What did we do with those last 3 fighter jets? We sent them in the wrong direction so that by the time the Pentagon was hit they were still 300 miles away. (Further then when they took off). ( Klienberg 1 )

The US also Issued 15 hi-jackers visas, based on incomplete forms.

Hi-Jackers were very unclear when asked what there destination was on these forms.

They had written simply "California" or "New York" with no school or university provided.( 2 )

One hi-jacker even put "no" in the destination box.( 2 )

Because we know that our government was aware of possible attacks against our country before September 11th, 2001, it surely seems to me they would have avoided causing any further confusions, made sure our skies were fully protected at all times, and kept a close watch for any terrorist possibly slipping in to our country. However, they didn't protect us, they even provided the opportunity for a successful attack with simulated exercises and drills that morning.

I know what you're thinking. You're asking if the government would possibly do this to us. So my last question is "Would the Government do this to us?"

We have to look at what happened in the days following 9/11 to answer that question.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christine Todd Whitman issued a statement in the EPA news release in 2001 proclaimed two days after the attack that "Disaster resources indicate that the water is safe to drink and the air is safe to breath" and "that there appears to be no significant levels of asbestos dust in the air in New York City". ( Stranahan 4 )

Pyroclastic Flow

This is another look at the air quality in New York City that morning. The air was tested by a private agency two days after the false report by whitman and was found to contain not only asbestoes but radio active debris and mercury. You tell me is this air safe to breath?

The problem with this blatant lie makes it clear to me that our government was doing nothing to protect our citizens or thier health.( 25 ).

The worst of all was that it was reported by ground zero workers that they were told not to wear respiratory gear as it might "scare the public".

This obviously resulted in many more now dying than was necessary from black lung decease, mercury on the brain and hundreds of respiratory problems.

If you have had the opportunity to see Farhenheit 9/11 -The truth and lies about September 11th you would know that the government immediately passed the "Patriot Act".

This Act is an attack on our Bill of Rights as it slaughters at least 4 of the amendments in one fatal sweep.

Our Search and Seizure Amendment.

It states that the FBI or CIA can enter your house without a warrant and remove things from it that they can later use to convict you of a crime.

Our Freedom of Speech Amendment.

It states that they can also enter your business and seize records from it, and you cannot tell anyone they have been there.

Our 5th Amendment.

John Ashcroft announced he will be allowing wiretaps of terrorists talking with their attorney to be used against them. This attorney / client privalage is supposed to be protected under this amendment.

Our 6th Amendment.

William Saffire has said they may be holding military tribunals in the US.

These trials will NOT require revealing evidence against them , because it could be a threat to national security.

Will NOT need to be made public knowledge.

Gives the government the authority to execute the terrorist without ever having a trial.

Like I said slaughters our bill of rights all in one act that sounds like if you vote against it your being unpatriotic. The tribunals are removing the 6th amendment. No longer any Representation. All of this shames the democratic oaths they all made and swore to protect. Our Bill of Rights has been thrown out and replaced with a new world order, military rule, a shameful dictatorship. WAKE UP AMERICA! PLEASE WAKE UP! PLEEEEAAAASSEE!

If there was a doubt before, it certainly speaks loud and clear as to whose side they are on now. God help us! For the fear, I shudder, to think of the road ahead! Could the government do this to us? YYEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!

This information is from very reputable sources and are all included within the text, the statements are from policeman, firemen, engineers, scientists, scholars and demolition experts that know 3 things:

Fire did not cause these structures to fall!

Planes did not cause the collapse of the buildings!

Controlled demolition is the only explanation for the buildings complete structural failure.

After Larry Goldberg(owner of the WTC Buildings) told a reporter that controlled demolition was what brought down WTC building 7(never hit by planes). We should have immediately compared the buildings collapse with that of the twin towers. It is because we did not do that, and instead removed the steel from the site (usually a federal offense to remove evidence from a crime scene) that we should, as Americans, question the findings of the 9/11 commission.(9/11 revisited 1)

An uncontrollable fire caused Building 5 to burn everything with its walls.

All 7 WTC Buildings were damaged beyond repair on September 11th, 2001. DID ANYONE TELL YOU THAT?

I would like to include an additional Thank You to the following websites and to all websites dedicated to share the memories or knowledge regarding the 9/11 events :

I would hope that high treason and conspiracy to commit murder in our country would lead to the future indictments, removal from office, convictions and incarceration of the people involved. Because as of today no one is being held accountable for any mistakes that were made. When they do find out the truth, I suggest them all be given sentences of no less than 3000 lifetimes.

[4] Burned To Core . "Blaze Ruins One of Madrid's First Towers." Academic Search Elite. ENR. Engineering News Record. 08919526. 2/21/2005. Vol. 254. Issue 7.

[2]Cassaliggi , Joseph. Firefighter. World Trade Center Task Force Interview. New York Times. Laurie A. Collins. January. 09. 2002.

[1]Bollyn, Christopher. American Free Press. . August 28, 2002.

[1] Riviera, David. Paramedic. World Trade Center Task Force Interview. New York Times. Laurie A. Collins. Oct. 10. 2001.

[6]Kleinberg , Mindy, Widow. Testimony to 9/11 Commission. March 31.2003. Video Recording. Joe Friendly.

[3]Levy , Matthy. and Salvadorei, Matio. "Why Buildings Fall Down: How Structures Fall." March 1, 1993. v118. n4. p45.

[5]Rupert , Michael. The Wilderness Publications, Center for Research on Globalization (CRG). Global research. California. November 11. 2001.

[7]Stranahan . Susan Q. American Journalism Review. InfoTrac. 9/11 Revisited: Were explosives used? Jan-Feb 2003. v25. p26 (8). (5021 words).

Other Resources

Dir. Dustin Mugford. 2006. DVD. .

Griffon, David R. Explosive Testimony: Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories.

Steinbach, Robert. Avoiding hard questions on terror attack not the answer. (Questions about 9/11). The Miami Herald (via Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service). Feb 1, 2006. pNA. Opposing Viewpoints. Document CJ141537496.

Robert Kagan, ""The Benevolent Empire,"" Foreign Policy, Summer 1998: 24-35.

Key Websites: A special thank you goes out to:

David R. Griffon.

And many more.

Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth so I could live my life awake.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Conglomerate Media: No Room for in a Democracy

Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to use other sources for their news and information besides mainstream media.

Our new conglomerate media is limiting our news and sanitizing our wars and disasters

A video called Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land Learn what is really going on that the media is not telling us! is very enlightening and a must see for every patriotic american.

Meet Ruppert Murdock

Meet Rupert Murdock! The owner and founder of Fox News.

What Murdock Owns

You can see he inherited his first newspaper at a very young age and from there, there was no stopping him. He bought every type of media advertising available.

Outfoxed 1:17:43

Before 1999, there were regulations prohibiting owners from buying numerous radio, television stations, newspapers, and magazines: digest 301-311.

However, the 1999 telecommunications act that passed eliminated these vital regulations. Without these restrictions we are narrowing the newsroom views, and tying a nuce on the throats of our reporters so they can only speak in unison or when spoken to. This is the way today's media looks!

Only a handful of companies have power over the media and are controlling what the world sees and hears

There are many negative influences that big corporations have on our media.

One individual that benefited from this act was Murdock!Ruppert Murdock Today

Here is what Murdock owns today.

Ruppert Murdock Total Audience

His total audience reaches 4.7 billion people throughout the world. To put that in perspective that is ¾ of the population.


These regulations were in place to keep the diversity within our news and information. Conglomerate owned media has too much advertising power over the people and an enormous influence on public opinion in our society.

For example: Think about how Johnny Cochran got OJ off the murder charges against him with a simple statement to the press "If it doesn’t fit, you must equit". Our media influences our decisions, like it or not. This means that the newsrooms that are tied to the opinionated Republican Rupert Murdock, like Fox News, are now not only conservative, but fully right wing only. It is a bias news channel and politically motivated to spread only thier own views and policies of the government’s propaganda.

Perhaps the worst example was demonstrated when George W. Bush’s Cousin, Marvin Bush, who was hired to crunch numbers for the election in 2000 when it was Bush/Kerry at Fox News, was the first to announce GW Bush the clear winner of Florida and new President of the US. The numbers he received that morning must have been different from the ones everyone else got, because they all were showing it was too close to call. The incredible result after the announcement is the part that still baffles me. Within minutes, all the other news channels followed suit and one by one they too announced GW President. It was this elucidation that held in the American people’s minds and had more to do with Bush becoming President than any recount, or flemsy ballot design ever did.

Although Fox News came out and publicly apologized for its terrible mistake, on some small channel and hidden network, very briefly. What good does that do anyway, it shouldn’t have ever happened to begin with.

What we need to do is cut their air time during the next election; let that be a statement of having a mistake like that happen in your newsroom.

Our government has been passing acts based on a war of lies. The Patriot act slaughters our bill of rights all in one fatal swoop. All of it is said to be for "terrorists" in our country. The US has ordered 450,000 new beds for our jails. Are there 450,000 terrorists in our country?

An ex-member of parliament had put this in perspective in the Video, "Murdocks War on Journalism", "you cannot have any witnesses when you have a war based on lies". This is why the US is marking territories as "no reporting zones." They even tried calling Fallujeh a "no reporting zone" but a few videos slipped through like the one titled "Fallujeh, the hidden massacre". (º Renucci 24:34 It contains an interview with two US ex military men. The first soldier, a sniper, was asked if he targeted civilians. He said "yes, on a daily basis". The other soldier admits his personal involvement in a project called "Phantom Fury" (very appropriate name) in Fallujeh saying that there were many times commanders issued warnings over radio communications before dropping "whisky Pete". This is a military slang for napalm, although now it is called MK77, the effects of it are the same. Here are the dramatic pictures of the people killed by MK77 by our US soldiers.

Burned Skin

Here is an example of what napalm (now known as MK77) can and does do to a body. It burns from the inside out, leaving your clothes in tact burning the skin to a crisp.

New polls taken in Fallujeh have shown that more people believe in violence now against American troops since the administrations attack, proving that efforts to liberate the country have failed miserably and only strengthened the resistance. (Hanley 14) Of course, when your country is attacked with a blatant disregard for human life, it portrays that country as a rogue nation, and you can no longer trust that country from there forward. So no democratic country would ever do that unless they had strong evidence against that country for its wrongdoing, and based their decision to go to war on intellectual reason and knowledge that had strong support from other countries or at the very least strong support from the people. Right? The thing is: Even if September 11th was justification for this attack, which I do not feel satisfied with any of the findings of the 9/11 commission, it still would not be acceptable to use chemical weapons on innocent women and children.

These pictures of this war, graphic or not should be published if nothing else than for the future history books, so we can provide pictures with our documentation of world news. We need to see images, so we can remember vividly the pictures in our mind, so we can know the full scope of what has happened or is still happening now. Maybe so we do not forget the events of the past easily

Meet Ruppert Murdock

Here we are spraying MK77 over the city of Fallujah. Something we swore we would never do again. Changing the name from Napalm to MK77 does not make it acceptable. It should have people of America outraged. What they do not know, they do not get outraged about. They must make an effort to inform themselves because the government will not do that for them

First, Americans need to use various sources for their news and information outside of mainstream media. The power of the people can change the effects that a conglomerate media has on society. BBC and other media have proved that by telling the truth they can withstand government pressure. (Hanley.) Unfortunately, now that regulations were lifted, it is highly unlikely we can change them back. What we can do is make other changes to counteract theirs.

First, we need to set new guidelines for our reporters, like by making a certain line of questioning mandatory. Then hold our networks responsible for news reports that do not follow the guidelines we set.

  • Most effectively by imposing steep fines.

  • If necessary pulling their air time

  • Multiple offenses could even Ban them from ever reporting news completely under any name or network in the future.

Before that happens though more people need to participate in making a difference. Most people don’t even know that any group of citizens can go to any editor and demand things.

  • This not only gets results immediately

  • It allows the people to be able to share thier thoughts on issues

  • Plus, it lets the media know we ARE watching and WE WELCOME AND DEMAND change.

Perhaps if the American people knew the truth about this war, they may just rethink of new ways to bring our soldiers home. They may not see it the same way as our President does. We may see the truth is we are the problem in Iraq, not the answer. All you have to do is make other people you know aware of things you know are happening throughout our media and administration and the people will take over from there. Even our government knows that with the power of the people…anything becomes possible. Word of mouth spreads easy as butter but sometimes gives mixed truth.

  1. Direct people to websites that provide the same information every time they read it.

  2. Send your friends links to the following websites:


    2. Censored News Stories

  1. Have them watch the following videos:

    1. Griggs part 1

    2. Griggs part 2

    3. Fallujeh:The Hidden Massacre

    4. Outfoxed-Rupert Murdocks War on Journalism.

If we don’t demand answers now:

  • We will see more patriot acts.

  • More telecommunication acts.

  • Hear even less accountability for mistakes.(if that's possible)

  • We will only be saying "it is acceptable to tell us lies and it is just to go to war based on those lies."

  • Worst of all, more of our soldiers will die along with innocent civilians in Iraq.

Bush's low poll numbers are our power. I will end with the words from a video entitled "new world order".( New World Order ) "They are the gatekeepers and sooner or later someone will have to stand up to them, but where all others have failed you will succeed, your weapon is your knowledge and awakening the sheeple. All the information is out there free online, but you must seek it." So what will you do?

  1. Will you stand idly by and watch our democracy crumble to a newly born dictatorship? or

  2. Will you fight and help drive the poll numbers down with rapid decline, until we replace the whole administration and get new competent leaders who put the American people before the golden gavel's of the industry's individualism?

  3. Will you have the will to fight for your country?

  4. Show our troops you really appreciate thier efforts by making an effort of your own, on your own, before this administration decides they own you!

Hanley, Delinda C. Al Jazera world forum takes a hard look at freedom of the press. (SpecialReport) .......... InfoTrac Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Oct 2004. v23. i8. p14. (2).

  • Freeman, Steve. Censored News Stories. Distorted Election Coverage. "A Corrupted Election," .......... Josh Mitteldorf, In These Times, Feb. 15, 2005; "Jim Crow Returns to the Voting Booth, .......... Greg Palast and Rev. Jesse Jackson. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 26, 2005. ..........

  • Daraghmeh, Mohammed. Effects of the Conflict on the Palestinian Media. Palistine. Israel. .......... Journal of Politics. Economics & Culture. 2003. Vol. 10. Issue 2. p13. 4p. .......... (AN 10677890). PDF Full Text(533K).

  • New World Order (Top Secret)(VCD)Pt.1 .......... 7:37. 77MB. MPEG Video. 1394Kbps. 2. .......... Rights Summary There are no rights or restrictions associated with this clip

  • Niman, Michael I. CQResearcher. Yes, We Murder Journalists. Humanist. Mar/Apr2006.Vol. 66. .......... Issue 2. p7-9. 3p. (AN 19862037). PDF Full Text (1.5MB).

  • Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism Robert Greenwald.1:17:43. MPEG Video. 2. .......... . Rights Summary There are no rights or restrictions associated with this clip.

  • Renucci, Sigfriao and Torrealta, Maurizio. "Fallujeh, Phosphorus". .......... . .......... 24:34. Windows Media Video. 218Kbps. 2. .......... Rights Summary: There are no rights or restrictions associated with this clip.

  • Congressional Digest. "Should Congress Pass the Free Flow of Information Act?" Dec2005. .......... Vol. 84 Issue 10, p301-311, 6p, 2bw. (AN 19550929) PDF Full Text (2.7MB).

  • Trotochaud, Mary. And McDowell, Rick. "The Invasion of Fallujah," Peacework. .......... Dec. 2004-Jan. 2005. "Fallujah Refugees Tell of Life and Death in the Kill Zone," Dahr Jamail. .......... New Standard, "The War in Iraq: Civilian Casualties, Political Responsibilities," Richard Horton. .......... Lancet, Oct. 29, 2004. Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. April 15, 2004.

  • York, Byron. EBSCO. Taboo. National Review. 7/26/2004. Vol. 56 Issue 14, p17-18. 2p. .......... Article. Other Works Cited and References Used Media Coverage Fails on Iraq: Fallujah and the Civilian Deathtoll part 1: Fallujah-War Crimes Go Unreported. Peacework. December 2004-January 2005. "The Invasion of Fallujah: A Study in the Subversion of Truth". Mary Trotochaud and Rick McDowell. World Socialist Web Site, November 17, 2004. "U.S. Media Applauds Destruction of Fallujah". David Walsh The NewStandard, December 3, 2004. "Fallujah Refugees Tell of Life and Death in the Kill Zone." Dahr Jamail

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Detainees Allege Being Drugged, Questioned (National)
U.S. Denies Using Injections for Coercion

This article said, "At least two dozen other former and current detainees at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere say they were given drugs against their will or witnessed other inmates being drugged, based on interviews and court documents."
According to one witness under sleep deprivation he remembered, "I said, 'Let me go. I want to go to sleep. If it takes saying I'm a member of al-Qaeda, I will.'"

The Defense Department and the CIA deny all accusations. However according to a memo written by John C. Yoo, a Justice Department lawyer at the time, the article said,"he argued that drugs could be used as long as they did not inflict permanent or "profound" psychological damage."

There would b e no need to write such a memo unless drugs were at least thought about being used in interogations. I am actually surprised the administration even lies about these events anymore. It seems no matter what happens nothing is going to change or get them taken out of office. It is nice to know they still actually try to make it look like they may not want to look guilty of such wrong doings. In reality, I do not think they care one little bit how evil they look or become.

Media Spotlight II

U.S. Seeks Contractors To Train Iraqi Military

Things have really began to undergo major changes in our military and feild positions in Iraq and Afghanistan as the United States is now seeking contractors to train the Iraqi military.
As troop levels continue to decrease and the moral along with it the government is finding it hard to fill the necessary positions from the Army alone.
We are just moving farther off the democratic path and miles over a line we should not have passed years ago.
Americans will continue their protests within specifically chosen areas that are not marked "no reporting zones." These are usually far from where anyone would be able to hear or see your rhetoric anyway.
Honest American soldiers fight the war for their country and continue to wonder what it is all for and now they will do it fighting beside men making ten times their pay for the same job they should be performing.
Move over for the contractor is taking over and given far more seniority than the troop who has been fighting in Iraq for the last eight years or more.
It's a wonder we have anyone left in our forces at all. If they are determined to stay you can bet they will look for the first door out only to come back as a "private contractor" instead of just plain ole "private".

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Media Spotlight I

U.S. airlines flock to foreign repair shops (International)
Carriers cut costs as they outsource repairs and inspections.

Southwest airlines changed it's mind about outsourcing some of its maintenance to a Salvadoran repair shop called Aeroman. Aeroman does not mind though there have alreasy been other airlines who jumped on the opportunity to save up to 25% on labor and maintanace fees.
It is not surprising. The airlin industry is alreasy dealing with high fuel prices in the United States and then there is the post 911 security costs.
MRO (for maintenance, repair and overhaul) is expected to reach nearly $41 billion in the next decade. When your spending that much money as a business the 25% starts to look very appealing.
The airline industry already outsources half of its MRO costs, so it should not come as a shock to anyone.

Media Spotlight II

The Rev. Wright's comments alarm black ministers in Los Angeles (National)
Disputing his characterization of the church, they say they fear Obama's former pastor will hurt the Democratic candidate's chances.

Rev. Wright has spent the last few days back in the spotlight and standing behind all of his words that have offended Americans.
Other black ministers have condemned what Wright has said and do not think it will do Senator Obama any good for his campaign.
Wright seems to have jumped on the money bandwagon and has a book coming out that he obviously wants to use the publicity he is getting in order to sell it.
It is going to be very hard to distance himself as far from Wright as he should have in the very beginning when the con traversal speeches first hit the media.
Obama has tried to denounce them now that more rhetoric has hit his campaign about Wright. It seems that Wrights new words have finally angered Obama enough to make some very harsh decisions that Obama found it hard to do the first time.
I am sure Obama wants to get his campaign back on the talking points about the real issues. Wright ended up not being worth the admiration that Obama may have had for him. It is clear today that Obama wishes he would have distanced himself a bit farther from Wright when he first had the chance.

On the Bypass

U.K.'s Prince William makes secret Afghan visit (International)
Some call second in line to throne's quick flight to meet troops a PR stunt

The Olive Branch

Supreme Court is rejecting broad legal challenges (National)

Pacific Post

Spectacular blaze erupts in nightclub at Hollywood and Vine (Local)

5.2 earthquake hits Northern California (Local)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Media Spotlight II

Pope Benedict XVI shows a personal side in New York (International)

The pontiff humbly describes himself as a 'poor successor' to St. Peter and brings up his youth amid Nazism.

It has been far too long that the people have waited to see this day.
Finally Pope Benedict XVI has come forward and apologized to the people who have been abused by priests in their childhood.
It was probably against the wishes of many other members of the church, but I am glad that the decision to ignore the protests of church insiders and finally make it publically known that what these priests were doing was wrong and condemmed by the church was very necessary.
The tears that fell on their faces as the pope apologized to them and blessed them was very moving.
It may just restore some faith that their institution has moved away from this terrible shame. I believe in this pope. I know he will never hide such terrible acts and keep them blanketed in secrecy as some have done in the past.

Media Spotlight II

LAX will use body imaging scanning (Local)
LAX will use body imaging scanning
The sophisticated technology may prove to be a more effective way to check passengers for dangerous materials, officials say. But critics say it's extraordinarily invasive and amounts to a virtual strip search.

Another violation of our privacy. To say they are pushing their luck is definately an understatement.
I cannot believe that people are so easily pursuaded in to letting them violate so many of our rights for the FEELING of being safe. This is such a smoke and mirrors trick and the American people act as if this is actually going to make a difference as far as keeping us safe from terrorists.
This is the last thing this will do. It is just another way to keep pulling the reigns tighter and locking more of our innocent citizens in jail.
There are far too many people in jail today as it is. Another bill the taxpayers cannot afford I might add.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

On the Bypass

Carter meets Hamas chief over Israeli, U.S. objections (International)
DAMASCUS, SYRIA -- Former President Carter met today with the exiled leader of Hamas and the militant group's deputy chief, men the U.S. government has labeled as global terrorists and Israel accuses of masterminding suicide bombings and kidnappings.

Route 66

Polygamist sect's 416 children to remain in state custody (National)
A judge in Texas rules that the children might face sexual abuse if they returned home. Sect members are ordered to provide DNA samples for maternity and paternity tests.

Freedom Tower blueprints found in trash (National)
The discovery by a homeless man prompts an internal Port Authority investigation into disposal of documents relating to the project on the World Trade Center site.

Pacific Post

Cement plant in Rubidoux charged with releasing a carcinogen (Local)
The site is believed to be emitting carcinogenic hexavalent chromium.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Media Spotlight I

New atom-smasher could fill gaps in scientific knowledge -- or open a black hole (National)
Europe's enormous $8-billion particle accelerator, to be activated as early as this summer, is generating both excitement and fear.

Fear they should as this smashing machine mashes protons and lead ions together at energies reaching 14 trillion electron volts and could produce a miny black hole that may have the ability to gobble up everything in its path including earth.
Just the simple fact that this COULD be a scenario should make us all hesitant to allow some scientist to do it just to see what happens.

It is beyond getting permission as nobody should be allowed to permit such a thing unless they call themselves the almighty (GOD). The real scary thing is thinking that there are scientists out there who do NOT see this as an eminent threat to the world.

What kind of nut jobs do they hire to say that? They cannot be respectable scientists as they would not want to take on the responsibility of having a mishap that may turn into world inhalation.

Media Spotlight II

Lawsuit challenges prosecutors' immunity (National)
The Supreme Court has been asked to rule where responsibility lies in instances of wrongful convictions.

In the 70's, our justice system was undermined by a substantial amount of jailhouse informants who were promised various deals in exchange for their testimony saying they overheard a jail mate confess to a crime.
As obvious as this may be to the average American, reading into this situation was not something prosecutors were paid to do. Their job was to get a conviction and if that meant going to some sleazeball in the county jail and asking for their cooperation to help put someone else behind bars while offering to lesson their own personal sentences, then so be it.
Worse of all, they didn't even tell the truth when they were asked about making promises. They said that the informant was offered nothing in exchange for his testimony from them, but they failed to say if anyone else in their office had any deals with them.
Restrictions on jailhouse informants were in dire need of immediate changes and they were about to be put in place when the Legislature approved a bill last year. The last line of this article says it all ... "but in October Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed it. He called the measure "unnecessary" because this "perceived problem . . . arises in very few criminal cases.""

Sunday, April 13, 2008

On the Bypass

Blast kills 9 gathered to hear cleric speak in Iran (International)
Bomb targets Shiites in the city of Shiraz listening to a speech against Sunni extremism, news agency reports. More than 100 are injured.

Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr argues friendly fire might have killed soldier (International)
The Canadian terrorism suspect's lawyer cites newly obtained reports on the 2002 battle in Afghanistan.

Pacific Post

Some in Antelope Valley oppose jail expansion (Local)
Residents fear that inmates could be brought from elsewhere in L.A. County and lead to an increase in crime. Sheriff Baca says the facility would be for prisoners from Antelope Valley.

Southern California heat makes history (Local)
Instead of April showers, about a dozen weather records are broken as temperatures reach into the 90s.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Media Spotlight I

8 teens charged with beating girl so they could videotape the attack for YouTube (National)

This story is sick and a sad reminder of just how vicious girls can be at this age. Actually boys too. Unfortunately web sites like youtube and myspace have seen other cases that involve attacks and cruelty causing some teens to even commit suicide. The verbal abuse online continues non-stop until the child feels alienated by others and like they have no other choice. The attackers inflict a feeling of self-loathing and general worthlessness on their targets.

This episode has turned to physical pain. Beating a girl and posting on youtube for everyone to see their victory. The only thing we can do is thank them for helping to prosecute them now for the violence with the evidence we need to do so.

I hope the punishmnet is swift and harsh and proves as a dissuasion for others who may be thinking about doing this to someone else. The bully's committing these violent crimes against others need more than a slap on the wrist or parol. They need to serve a tough jail sentence to send a message to others that we have a zero tolerance for this behavior.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Media Spotlight II

In Europe, many seek to rebuke China at Beijing Olympics (International)
Thousands of protestors are expected tomorrow in the city of San Francisco to boycott the Olympic Games in China. This is not the first time the Olympics have been boycotted. This article mentions two other times in history we have seen this happen.
This boycott has very good reasons for it as people in Tibett are being killed by China everyday. The people in Tibett are claiming that China violates human rights on a daily basis and that is not something the Olympics stand for.
The Olympics stand for freedom which is something China does not support.
The polls taken have shown that most people believe a boycott should take place and they are finally recognizing that the people of Tibett are becoming desperate. At least 30 journalists have been killed there just trying to report what was happening. The Olympics will be tarnished forever if the games go on without a hitch.

On the Bypass

Baby born with 2 faces in north India (International)

Route 66

401 children from polygamist sect in custody (National)

Pacific Post

Olympic torch arrives in San Francisco (Local)

Truck crashes, explodes along interstate in Pasadena (Local)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Brain-damaged woman at center of Wal-Mart suit (National)
This is a sad story about Wal-Mart suing a lady who got in the accident that left her mentally handicapped from a truck that sideswiped her.
Wal-Mart paid her medical bills because she was an employee, but there was a clause that said if the employee sues for money then Wal-Mart is entitled to sue her for the medical bills they paid.
So, Mrs. Shank sued the trucking company who hit her for a million dollars, and after paying the attorney fees she ended up with approximately $500,000 in a trust fund for her care to which Wal-Mart promptly sued her for.
To make matters worse she is suffering from having only short term memory, so
every time she wakes up and asks about her son who is fighting in Iraq it is as if she is hearing for the very first time that he died about a week after her accident.

Wal-Mart: Brain-damaged former employee can keep money (National)
Well, for once a story ended with a very happy ending indeed. Wal-Mart decided to overturn their decision and allow Mrs. Shank to keep the money in her trust fund for her future care. Bravo Wal-Mart! It may have had something to do with Kieth Olbermann running the story continously on his show as the "Worst persons in the world" and said he would keep running it everyday until they atoned. Thank you Kieth! You are one of the last responsible journalists that is on top of all "political shake-ups" and "corperate gluttony" and we thank you for it! If only there were more journalists out there like you, America might have been saved its future care like that of Mrs. Shanks.

Media Spotlight II

Remains found of U.S. soldier captured in Iraq (International)
The remains of Staff Sgt. Maupin, 20, had been missing since 2004, when his fuel convoy was ambushed west of Baghdad. The parents lobbied hard for their son to be listed as missing captured so that the Army would continue looking for him. They refused to believe that a tape found of their son getting shot in the back if the head was him because they couldn't positively identify him
Finally the wait is over and their son is on his way home. The father said, "at least they cannot hurt him anymore."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Obama pastor's words ring familiar in Chicago (National)

Here it is again. The race card playing itself out in the media. We hear the pastors words over and over and each time they shock us again. Honestly, what is so shocking? What is it that makes us ignore all the important things in our race to the white house? Pretty soon were going to be asking why the presidents house is white and not painted black.

How can people be so foolish every time someone says something about race. Stop focusing on these little things that divide us and start focusing on bringing us together. Obama didn't even say it! His pastor did. He said many things that may offend some, but obviously not the ones he is talking to. It resonates with his audience there whether we agree or not, they did.

What a speech though in response to this crisis. Obama said all the things he should of said immediately in response to this nonsense. Bravo senator!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Media Spotlight II

Winter Soldier

Iraq Veterans Against War (IVAW) held a conference and took the testimony of many Veterans about their personal experiences in Iraq mainly due to our medias terrible display of mediocre journalism and lack of moral ethics in what little news they did report.

When the media fails to be the “police of the government” like they have done so well on the past it is not only a threat to our democracy, but it is the primary reason that gross violations of government entities occur.

It is a gruesome fact that Iraq has become the hell on earth we have all imagined and it is playing out in the minds and souls of out soldiers there on a daily basis.

Listen to these men and learn about stop-loss. As Bush called for the redeployment of 30,000 troops for a surge to contain Iraq security, most of the men asked to stay and fight had already received their papers home. They were packing their bags to go home in the morning when they were told they had been stop-lossed. This is a term all Americans should become familiar with so they can fight it from occurring in the future.

One thing you will find abundantly clear in the first few minutes of this conference is that there is not one news channel there rolling tape and recording for broadcast news around the world. That is very sad that one of the most important conferences taking place is not considered a newsworthy event to any of our American stations. Bravo to Democracy Now for airing each and every one of the testimonies given at this conference and for trying to do what every journalist in America should feel is their own patriotic duty to do, report the real news about the Iraq war from the first hand witnessed accounts of our American Veterans.

Every other media outlet should feel ashamed of working for organizations that would blatantly ignore something as important as this meeting and should be aware that eventually the ignorance and willful service to one particular party and one particular opinion will be shown for what it is, a disgraceful misplacement of loyalty.

Our American soldiers and people in this war are being forced to make decisions that no human should be asked to make and until this country recognizes the need to bring our troops home the war will continue on this thing called democracy.

Pacific Post

Potential rival to mayor's cousin gets city appointment (Local)
Ricardo Lara is named to the Planning Commission days after he dropped out of the race for an Assembly seat coveted by Villaraigosa relative John Perez.

How to get yourself arrested -- YouTube-style (Local)

The Olive Branch

New York's new governor admits affairs (National)
David Paterson admits infidelities that ended 'several years ago.' But he says he did not break the law or his oath of office.

Pacific Post

O.C. 'Scar Face' bandit strikes again (Local)

Freed after 25 years, former inmate rejoices (Local)
Willie Green spent a quarter-century in prison for a murder he says he did not commit. He was released Thursday.

Route 66

State Department fires 2, disciplines 1 for looking at Barack Obama's passport file (National)

McCain aide suspended for publicizing anti-Obama video (National)
The low-level staffer had helped spread the word about a video that interspersed the words of the Democrat with incendiary comments from his pastor.

On the Bypass

Bear Stearns gets emergency loan from Fed (International)
Bear Stearns, squeezed by the sub-prime crisis, needs an emergency loan. Its stock plunges, and wariness grows.

Chinese troops pour into Tibet (International)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Jump in homicides a vexing challenge for LAPD brass (Local)
Killings, many of them random and unrelated, are up sharply in the city. 'One death is one too many, but we think it's a bit of an anomaly,' a police official says.

This article is especially important for those of us who live in the Los Angeles area. Homicides are on the rise according to this article it said, "It is not crooks killing crooks. It is crooks killing or shooting children, athletes and police officers, and that influences people's perception of events."

The increase in homicides is being analyzed, but no one has a solution to stem the violence. For now Chief Earl Paysinger has decided to put more cops on the streets in uniform to show the city they are there to protect them and help them feel safe.

Some of the most baffling data the article said, "the rising homicide rate is set against a 5.1% decline in violent crime overall that includes a more than 2% drop in rapes and aggravated assaults, as well as a 25% drop in gang-related homicides."
Paysinger said it some of the higher numbers are from homicides including multiple killings.

The article concludes some good news and said, "the numbers so far are a reversal for Los Angeles, which over the last five years has enjoyed significant drops in homicides and crime in general." The chief siad he remains optimistic that the numbers will level off in the coming months.

Media Spotlight II

Bush vetoes bill to ban waterboarding (National)

He calls tough interrogation methods 'valuable tools' in fighting terrorists. Democrats likely do not have enough votes to override the president's rare veto.

This article is very important in todays news. Not only does it point to the glaring fact that this president is continuing to use harsh techniques that are considered "war crimes" like waterboarding prisoners of war, but it shows the GOP candidate,
John McCain, has flip-flopped once again. This time it is against his own policies.

McCain, a POW in the vietnam war, has always been against torture until a recent vote when McCain sided once again with President Bush.

It is proof that there is nothing McCain stands for that can be considered solid beliefs of his own.

It is a sad day when the senate and the congress move like it's a stalemate in a chess game on the house floor. These stagnant votes grinding against presidential vetos is really taking its toll. America is feeling the 50/50 split among its democrat and republican citizens, and no one dares to mention the "R" word that is already pinching the middle class down while gas and food prices continue to climb.
To say that something has gone seriously wrong is one thing, but to continue to let it go on and do nothing to stop it is something seriously baffling.

On the Bypass

Reputed Global Arms Dealer Arrested (International)
Russian Accused of Supplying Weapons in Africa, Mideast

Route 66

Opposition to Calif. tailpipe limits comes from surprising corner (National)
Schwarzenegger's effort to help fight global warming may be undone by the state's own congressional Republicans.

Pacific Post

Central American studies gaining acceptance (Local)
The degree program at Cal State Northridge seeks to advance knowledge about the millions of migrants in the U.S. and their history. It touches some lingering sore spots too.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Media Spotlight I

The people's prince: with Harry in Afghanistan. Dog of war or PR pawn? (International)

This story is newsworthy even it is not one of our leaders and he is not even the first in line to be leader in Britain, but he is a prince who was fighting in the front lines of Afghanistan and that is heroic. If there is one thing everybody loves to hear about it is a hero. Nobody would have asked Harry to go to Afghanistan and fight in the war and they wouldn't have put him on the frontline if they did.

This article focuses on a different perception about the whole thing though and to tell you the truth I am torn. It brings up a valid point here. If you are a prince and you go and fight on the frontline with the troops, but the whole trip you are being followed around by a camera and photographer eventually you expect the newspapers to make the war about you. This should not be a war about any one single person. Knowing that, I am torn between the heroism of it all and the whole thing becoming more self-centered focus to be used effectively as a tool to fix some PR problems for the prince.

I can see the articles point of using this whole thing for PR repair, but hey what a way to fix it! Go Harry!

Media Spotlight II

Obama to be in background of trial (National)
The candidate's aides say the corruption case of early donor Tony Rezko will be a distraction but won't harm the campaign.

This is a newsworthy article because it involves a Chicago businessman, accused of extortion, that has been a long-time supporter of Barack Obama. According to the times article Obama's career as a lawyer and politician was nurtured by Antoin "Tony" Rezko. Obama had been candid when asked previously about his relationship with Rezko. This could be very damaging to Obama.
Regarding the Rezko trial, the Times said, the judge “ruled that prosecutors could introduce evidence that Rezko used "straw donors" to give to politicians, apparently including Obama.” The article said, “Rezko allegedly gave money to at least two associates to make separate $10,000 contributions to Obama, one in December 2003 and another in March 2004.”

The real question regarding this article is what Obama's candidates aids say. They seem to suggest that the trial of this man will not hurt Obama. I am starting to think that nothing will. They actually might be right and that is absolutely wrong. Obama should be held accountable for these “straw donors” just like Hillary Clinton was for Mr. Norman Hsu. Hsu was also believed to be accepting “straw donors” for her campaign, and she rightfully returned $850,000 to the donors that Hsu had collected for her.

Hillary has been taking a lot of heat for problems with her campaign. It seems that it should be her opponents turn to feel the temperature rise. For now, all that is rising in Obamas campaign is delegates

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Email from Ron Paul

I have included an email this week that I received from Presidential Candidate Ron Paul who has been a Texas Congressman for over ten years and is now facing the possibility of being replaced by "a handpicked" opponent that "represent everything that is wrong with DC."

The problem is that there are only a few Congressman left in the White House that share a view of "limited government", "sound money",and following a strict constitution. People like Wayne Gilchrest (R-Maryland), and Walter Jones (R-North Carolina), both of which also have been running against the same type of neoconservatives for their congressional seats. One of which has already lost, the other is having a tough time battling the opponent chosen for him. Now Ron Paul is facing the same thing.

I find it very strange that it is the Congressman with these beliefs, Ron Paul has been congressman of Texas for ten years and yet this year all 3 are facing battles against the same type of neoconservative opponents. America had better wake up to what is going on fast or we will have a congress made up of nothing but war mongers that will stop at nothing to tear up our constitution and throw it away in their first congressional secret hearing.

I really am concerned with the fact that there are no media outlets covering this type of news anymore. I used to see the reporters of the world as a type of watchdog on our constitutional rights. I thought that big corperations would not stand a chance against them if they went too far. Now I really have to wonder if anyone would care to cover it at all. I guess I will have to do it myself. Soon.

Media Spotlight II

Paraguay in a panic over yellow fever (International)
Vaccine is in short supply amid the country's first outbreak in 34 years. As residents protest, officials scramble to secure supplies from abroad.

In a country of 6.5 million, one million is not very many, but that is the number of Vaccines which have been given to the people of Paraguay. People are in a panic and are rushing to hospitals terrified that they will be infected with yellow fever.

It has not put any of their minds at ease that their neighboring countries have been sending in supplies of vaccines to them because the people feel it was already known and something their government should have been prepared for.

You have to wonder living in the United States if that is what our government is preparing for with these FEMA camps popping up all over the country. Grounds that are supposed to be Amtrak facilities like this one in Beachgrove Indiana that could hold a very large number of people.

The federal government and our military are not supposed to be entangled with any of our jails in the United States, yet that is exactly what we see taking place. The govenrment already has passed laws regarding germ warfare. I shudder to think of what would happen if yellow fever were to hit the United States.

Email from Ron Paul

February 18, 2008

The DC neocons think their old dream is about to come true. They think they can defeat me in the Republican congressional primary in Texas on March 4th. And you know what? They may be right.

My opponent, who describes himself as a traditional conservative, is a dedicated servitor of all the special interests who have given us the disaster of recent years, from unconstitutional wars to a looming recession, from huge deficits to massive new welfare programs.

A Republican operative allied with the worst forces in DC recently said: "Give what you can [to Ron Paul's opponent]. Ron Paul is running scared -- using his Presidential campaign's donors' money to subsidize a desperate last-minute attempt to save his Congressional seat."

That is a lie, of course. It is illegal to use presidential campaign donations in my congressional race. The congressional campaign has to stand on its own. But so far, we have raised only about a third of what a well-funded effort would need.

In my 10 terms in Congress, I have not only been able to serve my constituents, and help them, for example, negotiate federal red-tape. I have also been able to defend our principles of less spending, lower taxes, no inflation, and strict adherence to the Constitution. Some people in DC laugh at the idea that I should obey my oath of office, and ask first of any proposed legislation, is it constitutional? But I know that you share my support for the vision of the framers.

My friend Congressmen Wayne Gilchrest (R-Maryland) was just defeated in his primary election by a neocon fraud similar to the one I face. My friend Walter Jones(R-North Carolina) is under heavy pressure as well. People like our hand-picked opponents will do anything to gain and keep power. They represent everything that is wrong with DC.

If I am defeated in the upcoming congressional primary, our ideas will be held to have been defeated as well. It will be proclaimed from the rooftops in DC that such "ridiculous and outmoded notions" as the free market, sound money, personal liberty, limited government, and a pro-American foreign policy are through.

I am determined not to let this happen. All that you and I believe in is far too important to the future of our country, and to everyone and everything we love, to let the neocons dance on its grave.

Please, help me stop the lies, the distortions, the pressure groups, the special interests that benefit from DC rip-offs. There is still time to run radio and tv ads, to set up phone banks, to get out the vote. But unless you help, my reelection to Congress may be in jeopardy. Please help me return to Congress to fight for the people of my district, and for the ideas that can save our country from the path to trouble we are now on.

I hesitated to ask you, since you have already done so much. But my wife Carol said, "When you need help, you ask your best friends." So I do ask you, to hold out your hand in support.

Please give today, as generously and as
quickly as you can.



On the Bypass

N.Y. Philharmonic gets a warm welcome in North Korea (International)

South Africa to resume killing elephants (International)
Animal welfare groups call for a tourist boycott of the country, which says the herds must be thinned to protect other wildlife and the land.

Route 66

High court to rule on warrantless search of vehicle (National)

Ex-sailor's terrorism trial opens (National)

Pacific Post

Finding Neverland - Michael Jackson's ranch foreclosed (Local)

Suspect who stabbed moviegoers in Fullerton at large (Local)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Media Spotlight II

Supreme Court rejects wiretap suit (National)

I don't know how this story is not making the front pages of all of our newspapers. This should be one of the most important issues for American voters is making sure that our civil rights are not being violated. If we let the president get away with ignoring laws and spying on the American people without a warrant things will not get better they will continue to get worse. We will only see more executive power violations and our rights will continue to deteriorate.

The companies that have let the president tap into their customers privacy should not receive immunity because they knew they were breaking the law and they knew the extent to which they were breaking it.

As Keith Olbermann pointed out on “Countdown” if the things you asked these companies to do were perfectly legal then there would be no need to ask for immunity for them in this bill. The president just wants to make sure the next time he decides he is going to break another law or violate our rights again that the same company's will help him to do so in the future.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Media Spotlight I

Left bewildered by a second cruel turn of events (Local)

This article is an important read for any aspiring journalist. It is a story about a journalist who has been fighting for the release of a 16-year-old boy who was wrongfully convicted of robbery.

The journalist even uses the boys first name, Author, to show how connected he was to his “subject.” He had wrote various articles, talked to witnesses and jurors about the case, and became close to family members.

He was released after spending over 2 years in prison for the crime. His 12-year sentence was dropped and he would now re-enter society at 18-years old Much of the reason that Author would get that chance is because of this journalists efforts.

It ends up being a short lived happy ending, and you can feel how a journalist can be affected by the story. Author was murdered on the month of his 26th birthday. He was ran down by a pick-up truck in a mobile home park.

It is sad, but I am sure common for journalists to become attached to people and events that they feel passionate about. After all, they felt it was something that was important enough to spend their time writing about. Sometimes that time pays off and there has got to be times that it does not.

On the Bypass

Police Raid in China Kills Two Suspected of Planning Attacks (International)

Unilateral Strike Called a Model For U.S. Operations in Pakistan (International)

The Olive Branch

How to woo a superdelegate (National)

Supreme Court rejects wiretap suit (National)

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