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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Media Spotlight II

Paraguay in a panic over yellow fever (International)
Vaccine is in short supply amid the country's first outbreak in 34 years. As residents protest, officials scramble to secure supplies from abroad.

In a country of 6.5 million, one million is not very many, but that is the number of Vaccines which have been given to the people of Paraguay. People are in a panic and are rushing to hospitals terrified that they will be infected with yellow fever.

It has not put any of their minds at ease that their neighboring countries have been sending in supplies of vaccines to them because the people feel it was already known and something their government should have been prepared for.

You have to wonder living in the United States if that is what our government is preparing for with these FEMA camps popping up all over the country. Grounds that are supposed to be Amtrak facilities like this one in Beachgrove Indiana that could hold a very large number of people.

The federal government and our military are not supposed to be entangled with any of our jails in the United States, yet that is exactly what we see taking place. The govenrment already has passed laws regarding germ warfare. I shudder to think of what would happen if yellow fever were to hit the United States.

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