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Monday, June 11, 2018

Congressman Please Resign!

Just for the record, I got no love for Hillary Clinton and her well-established golden asshole!

Last time I checked, it was her and her husband that were directly responsible for the removal "Glass-Steagall" and helped Usher and the biggest transfer of wealth this country has ever seen and as they sing Kumbaya the poor and minorities are being sent to jail at record rates, (that is if they can manage to get there without getting shot and killed first). They send them to jails were they are shackled and marginalized for doing the "horrible" crime of talking back to a police officer or smoking some bud or selling something besides alcohol without a license, like cigarettes, individual cigarettes for quarter. They get killed for these stupid things. Meanwhile, the powerful men on Wall Street, take every drug known to man and look down at us with their wine glasses raised high, and watch the police they bought off crack the heads in of peaceful protestors. (yes really) Then, they bankrupt the entire planet! Are you kidding me?

America how the hell have we lost our way from being a welcoming, loving and accepting Nation? Instead, we have allowed ourselves to be dumbed down and let pathetic, lazy and weak arguments keep us spinning and spitting on each other. Instead of doing our due diligence as patriots, and criticizing this country when necessary, so it can heal we have allowed this country to use excuses and red herrings so we can steal the wealth of other nations. We don't understand, we are also suffering as our wealth is drained away into the black tar Pitts of Afghanistan. We have to watch our families die at war, and at home from the epidemics in our streets.

Congressman, please resign! Go home! Get the hell out of the seats meant for our Representatives! You do not represent anything I recognize as an American. You are so outdated and have been long bypassed by the progressive nature of the internet and the Millennials that actually live in this Century! It's not your world anymore!

I'm so tired of the same arguments that were already settled & absorbed in our history books and now you want to argue about these ancient arguments again.

Human rights are not negotiable! Torture is unacceptable! and warmongers should be shunned, locked up and even executed in order to cleanse this country of their fucking stench, not promoted to be new CIA Directors.

Dimmocrats what kind of a resistance are you fighting? Whatever it is... go resist the temptation to run for office again, cause I am resisting all of you Even if we have to give up the few progressives we have....Last time I checked, it's a new world alright, a new millennia, a new century where the old are meant to be ushered out and the young new minds of today are ushered in, so we can all move forward by sending you all packing and a real resistance takes place that refuses to argue about abortion rights, endless wars, climate change, science, and for the last time removes the church and state like our founders actually envisioned.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of this trickle my ass with a feather politics and austerity for the many, while we send corporate welfare to a handful of the most prosperous corporations, write blank checks for warmongers, bail out Wallstreet and bankers, and all while the poorest among us live in the streets without any sympathy from the elected officials this government is supposed to provide us as a representative democracy! It's time for congressman and senators of yesterday, to go, and time to welcome the people who actually will be living through the disastrous future made inevitable by the ridiculous policies this government has put in place. Our ignorance has been paid for by corporations and banks that are getting rich off war and should have been broken up a long time ago.

No more fake democrats or rotten republicans, no more liars and chief, no more excusing the intolerable among us, if you break the law by murdering innocent people, in this country or another, you re going to have your day in court and be tried for your crimes, which is more than you have offered us with the military tribunals that are still holding innocent people without charges today. No more undeclared wars, that are endless by design. I want to design a new world, that understands paper (money)is never gonna be worth more than life, and representatives that have been bought with billionaires bankrolls, are never gonna be worth 2 cents to the constituents that really need them!

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