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Monday, April 17, 2017

We are no longer Americans, We are The Borg!

We are no longer Americans, We are The Borg!

I watched as the introduction of technology turned us into mindless, self-absorbed, preoccupied units, focused on cell phones and tablets, laptops and computers. People walking around not looking where they are going and walking right into traffic. They are not paying any attention to anyone or anything around them that is not techno something. They ignore people, traffic, and even trains. It's dangerous and annoying to the few that refuse to give into the whole savvy world.

Star Trek fans will all remember the borg with character "7 of 9". What is really supposed to be a fictitious idea is becoming more our reality every day. This was a civilization of humans that were turned into drones against their will and forced to become part of the Borg society or "collective". They no longer could think for themselves, they became one with all the collective and this made them think as one unit and hear the thoughts of the collective unit.

Now people are even putting tech under their skin and wearing it like a tattoo. I hope all of you would take a look at this video about the new WikiLeaks CIA documents released called "Vault 7" as it reveals some stunning facts about how the CIA is using all this technology as an end to a means. The means to have all the freedom to access it and use it against you. They are already spying on you and gathering the most private moments of your life just to add it to a very long data feed they are storing for every American on the planet here in this warehouse in Utah.

Why is this important? Simple. Imagine the way investigations used to be carried out. They used to have to find evidence first, go to a judge and convince them they needed a warrant based on that evidence so they could continue looking at you as a suspect. Evidence is what implicated your possible involvement with a crime. Now, they are bypassing every right that Americans are supposed to be entitled to by our Constitution, which says we all have the right to privacy, or if you look at it in a business sense, we at the very least should be paid if the government is going to use our own devices in any manner, let alone against us. The government is not even telling us the truth about just how unsecured all of our devices are to them and others, including rogue actors or enemies. I swear if I hear one more media figure tell us it's to protect us when they are doing the exact opposite of that, I am going to scream.

I know what you are thinking, well I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm a law abiding citizen and I have nothing to hide, but that's not true and I think deep down you all know it. Let's say tomorrow a law is passed that says everyone with brown hair is an enemy of U.S.A. You could even say because some group of brown haired people blew up some building with innocent children inside. Well, now you are easily grouped together with everyone with brown hair and can be gathered up accordingly. Think it's that outrageous when that's exactly what we did to Japanese people already when we went to war with Japan, the only difference was we used their SS Numbers.

One more example and this is the scary one. Let's say your kid blogged about something the government decides is taboo, and decides that anybody who has ever blogged about that subject is now guilty of being a terrorist against America. With the data they have gathered, it's much easier to use past posts, past relationships, phone numbers you dialed, friends you hung out with to convict you of past crimes. It may not have even been a crime when you did that particular thing, but it is now. Otherwise, just what the fuck are they storing it all for?

You are not unique anymore, you are all a part of a massive collection of data that can be sorted and grouped together in one way or another. As Americans begin to fight back against bad policies, police are going to become more violent, even though they have non-lethal options, they will do anything to keep you all under control. Then we will hear, "they must have this ability to protect you" (AAAAArgh) when it's the exact opposite. They must have this to control you, all of you, and every aspect of your life. You will no longer have the right to privacy in any way.

What did you think? Getting rid of abortion would appease a bunch of power hungry Gods with clickers that can harass their enemies, competition and powerless people beneath them? Basically, now anybody can be set up for anything. They can just hack your computer and plant pornography of children on it (Vault 7 remember), and presto! You are a Pedophile. Now they can just hack into your car and force you into a tree at top speed. (Hastings, 1) It could be jealousy that motivates them, anger or just sheer greed, but they will use it, against you, just because they can.

If Americans don't get angry now and demand they stop using these devices as a way to spy on us and if hackers and silicone valley don't help us fight to stop the vulnerabilities of these devices then get ready for a new identity "101 of 102", cause we are no longer Americans, we are the Borg and we need our independence back along with the freedom to live without this warrant-less and endless invasion of our privacy !

Hastings, Michael. Journalist people suspect foul play and government involvement of murdering him.

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