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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Edward Snowden, Another Hero Whistleblower!

A new hero, Edward Snowden, has come forward knowing it would cost him his career, his friends and family, and even his country, but he decided to become a whistleblower on the NSA and the spying tactics they were abusing against our entire nation.

It's not just what they were doing, it's who they were (and still are) doing it to. And it's not just the access they were awarding themselves with being  wrong, it's about it being unconstitutional.  Not to mention unreasonable, especially with what they claim the reasons are for doing it.  Fighting terror.  Just how much terror would it stop by being able to read emails in the past, because we had communications ahead of 9/11 and that didn't seem to stop them, so my belief is none. 

His revelation that "The NSA has been gathering all internet data on everyone" should send shivers up and down your spine, but I realize we are full of spineless Americans, and representatives. 
People and representatives alike are saying shit like, "I don't mind NSA tapping my phones and reading my emails if it catches some terrorists, I am not doing anything wrong."  Then You Participate!  First of all, they are not tapping your phone calls, they are recording and storing everything , and using it as a database later to find whatever and whomever they want.  I'm not that naive to think that being innocent matters if you give a government (obviously a corrupted one) access to your life, they will almost definitely take it from you in one way or another.  We are all assets or were not.   

Let me just end with this...What happens when the government arrests you one day for a phone conversation you had 15 years ago with a guy who was associated with terrorism.  Don't think it will happen.  If they do not plan to use it for past crimes, what the fuck is the point?

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