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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Media Spotlight

An Exit Toward Soul-Searching (National)
As Bush Staffers Leave, Questions About Legacy Abound

When you read this article you will certainly notice the professionalism and maturity of the writer in general. This is an article that is compelling, and grips you from start to finish, so the style of the reading is written extremely well. My criticism is when you look at the article in its entirety and see the content of the writing actually concludes a subliminal message to the readers. This article takes the problems this administration has been having from failed policy and an unpopular war and writes about people whom have already left the white house that are admitting to their choices being the reason we are in this situation. In other words, the article takes the blame off the white house and sends much of it to people who are no longer there.

For example Wehner mentions that they believed there were weapons of mass destruction, so the arguments to go to war were noble but, “The fact that it didn’t go so well is something you live with”.

We also hear about White House Advisor Megan Sullivan who became a deputy national security advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan, and how she made “some of the most important decisions about Iraq, including some blamed for exacerbating the tensions”.

In the next paragraph we also find out that many people thought she was too young and inexperienced and “in over her head”. The article continues with “The war weighs on her” and she even confirms her importance by admitting she carries heaviness with her about her responsibility in all of this when it is as serious as this and carries so many sacrifices.

The only one who does not take any blame for anything is Carl Rove. This is almost laughable if it was not a subject as dire as this is.

The article really tries to convince you that it is the people that have left the white house that are the real ones to blame for the mistakes this administration has made. It just makes me angry when a talented writer such as this writes an article that becomes another propaganda piece for this administration.

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