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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Police Raid Marijuana Shop, Then Eat Merchandise [VIDEO]

This is one of the most shameful scenes since the police raid a marijuana shop and then they start eating the marijuana talking s*** about everybody they just arrested on doing basically all kinds of drugs there and and laughing about it. They think its funny that they get to arrest everybody for the same thing that they're in there doing right after they bust the place.  It's disgusting.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

CNN Hosts Yell At Bernie Sanders Supporters

Howe bout this "BARBARA BOXER DESERVED IT!"  Ask why?  Ask what was behind the messages. Then ask them to prove they were Sanders supporters that were responsible for the messages and not one of the Clinton advocates being paid to be an online troll so it can be blamed on Sanders supporters.?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Man Who Kept His Daughter As A Sex Slave Released From Prison

What kind of disgusting country are we that would allow this piece of crap to see daylight ever again? This is one of the worst crimes I've ever heard, and allowing this sexual deviant to be released not once, but twice??? Who the f is hearing his case Henry VIII?

Monday, May 2, 2016

Alan Grayson On Planned Parenthood Videos. Florida Open Debate

NO NO NO! You are not allowed to take this horrific lie the republicans started about Planned Parenthood, saying they sold baby body parts, and treat the story as if it has merit. It doesn't, it is ALL LIES!!!

TO BE CLEAR, Planned Parenthood was only involved in STEMMED CELL RESEARCH, which is research done with human embryos, and is practiced by many hospitals to SAVE LIVES! While it is controversial, it IS NOT HUMAN BABY PARTS! Anybody who hears this shit from someones mouth and does NOT CORRECT the record, is, quite frankly, an idiot!

One more thing, the only people indicted on this were the two fake journalists that pushed a doctored video on to the FAKE JOURNALISTS AT FOX.NEWS, who could not wait to push the lies as their new propaganda piece against Planned Parenthood. Let's face it, they don't care if the stories are real, as long as it gets them ratings and helps take down another innocent victim, just like they did to "Acorn". Weirdly (sarcastic) it involved the same fake journalist, Andrew Brietbart,, to write that fake story as well.

Democrats must do their own assessments of these types of stories before making statements that help sell a false narrative. Just like they need to read and research every bill they sign before they pass one like “The Patriot Act” into law, and try and call foul for not reading it later, which is still on them, and really any bill with a name like that must have something shady in it that the republicans can say liberals are unpatriotic for not supporting. (understatement)

Lastly, democrats need to get a better public relations firm that knows how to handle the clowns in the media, rather than making themselves all look like jackasses instead.

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