I have watched this struggle for healthcare reform as it has taken a turn for the worse by allowing the healthcare industries a “seat at the table”. They should of lost that privilege a long time ago when they decided to start ripping off the American people instead of saving their lives.
I have watched as Republicans told lie after lie about “death camps”, “how reform would kill Grandma”, and “how reform means government is going to take over”. This disgusting rhetoric does nothing but hurt our Country as people lose faith that the Senate and Congress do not care about anything or anybody who is not lining their checkbooks with gold trim.
I want to thank Rep. Alan Grayson for standing up for the American people and refusing to apologize to the Republicans who have spent the whole year spilling nothing but hate speech in the House of Representatives. If more Democrats acted like Grayson we might actually be able to get some real reform, but reform without a public option (a real public option) not an optional footnote that is there to make the public feel like they will get reform, is not the reform America needs.
Democrats have managed to take their majority and hand it over to the very people standing in the way. Obama has managed to take his high poll numbers and even with the majority of the people behind him, including people that have lost loved ones due to the healthcare industries greed, and turn his back on them and everyone else that believed his heart was in the right place even if he did come right out of Wallstreet. We believed he would change this Nation for the better. Then, like some horrible reminder of the previous administration, he leaves our boys fighting in Iraq, begins a new war fighting in Afghanistan, and takes on healthcare reform as a distraction.
In the fight over healthcare, he has refused to take a stand for the public option from the very beginning, he has allowed the greedy healthcare industries a “seat at the table” to discuss reform that none of them have any interest in, and denied our trusted neighborhood doctors entry to a meeting held at the White House with hand picked doctors because they had different views then the status quo on what could really help change our healthcare in this Country for the better. Obama must assume that the people would not be watching, or that we would not care, and that none of his decisions would affect his high approval ratings in the future or his re-election. He is wrong!
All of you who are in power right now, the ones who make good money to solve Americas problems, the ones who are considered, for now, the brains we need on the hill to solve Americas wars, healthcare, economy, lack of jobs, and our horrible education numbers you had better do more than what we have seen in the past year up there or your gonna be voted out so fast you will not know what hit you and you can take that to your favorite hand picked bank (Paulson). We are paying attention. We want and have wanted real change in this country (Obama), and we will not be scared by your fear and lies of empty rhetoric (Limbaugh).
All stories that are factual and sourced will often come down to black or white, true or false, right or wrong, I include personal opinions about where these stories fall in that spectrum and allow humor whenever possible to lighten the topics. Goto @twiggles4u for more.