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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Google Adsense



is an extremely useful free tool that helps direct target specific
traffic to your website in order to generate revenue. The
modification settings that users can access are what sets it apart
from any other traffic generator.


offers a wide range of settings that all users can access in order to
streamline results and assure that the ads are effective. For
example, users can allow or restrict access to certain sites and even
include passwords for sites that may otherwise be restricted.

The competitive ad filters can be
created for each site individually. Ads can be targeted to content
specific websites or allowed to filter from ads on your search
results pages. You can improve your ad performance by creating
custom channels which allow you to narrow the search results to
specific websites or topics of your choice.


is useful to everyone who is serious about generating revenue and
tracking the results.

It does not take a website guru to use


effectively. The get ads or manage ads links include a wizard that
walks you through everything step by step. This allows you to
customize the look and feel of your ads. You can modify the color,
size and even the format of your ads along with font types and sizes.
When your done making all your modifications just click on the
preview link to assure everything looks the way you intended.


will generate the code for you to copy and paste to the web page of
your choice.

Tracking the ads performance is the
best feature


offers. It is so easy to see which ads are working for you and even
offers ways to determine what has made your ads so successful or what
changes are necessary to improve your performance. They even include
report templates for advanced users that may need to see results from
several different websites. Some of the more advanced uses are


for Domains and


for Feeds. For more information about these features there are
several choices to choose from. You can browse the Google help pages
for the


or read the latest news and tips by signing up for the

Adsense Blog

. There are even


which are presentations given online about various topics, that may
focus on areas of interest to you. One thing is for certain, Finally,
there are also the

Adsense Forums

that can be accessed anytime. 
Google Ads makes sense for everyone.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Blogger:The best Google application around

One of the best applications on Google is Blogger, a completely free blogging application. Several key differences make this blogging site far superior than the competition. Ad sense is one of the many exclusive extras that it offers as a way for you to generate revenue on your blog and it is included absolutely free. You can customize the ads you want to run that will only advertise products related to your blog or leave the ads off completely. You can even customize your own search bar that is offered from ad sense as an optional revenue generator.

Actually, Blogger is very customizable. Most blogs only allow you to change the layout and colors, but Blogger allows much more. You can simply upload a logo to be used at the top of every page, or you can customize the HTML template to load with every new post to create a custom look and feel for your blog. This is helpful if you want to include a common creative license with your posts. The best customization for Blogger is what you can do with the layout and page elements. Here you can actually include gadgets that range from your own customized Perl or JavaScript to a video blog. You can upload pictures, add followers, newsreels, subscription links, polls or even a slide show.

I have never had a blog that allowed me so much variability and personalization. Your pictures can be streamlined throughout your blog as many times as you need. Some blogs only allow one photo per post. You can even import and export your blog with the blog tools they offer. You can archive parts of your blog that are outdated, if necessary and then include a blog list as one of the gadgets I mentioned earlier. Blogging has never been this much fun. For those of you who have many blogging sites adding your followers and site list is no problem here.

The advanced mode offers a post feed redirect URL or a post feed footer. You can also add notifications to your email or mobile device. Finally, adding other authors is no problem, so work calenders that change frequently are a breeze on this blog. There are so many unique additions it is impossible to list them all here, but do yourself a favor if you have some time and you like to blog then check out I promise you will not regret it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A call to Obama- Lost Hope

I cannot believe in your promises any longer. The passing of the cap and trade laws in the house you have called a victory. A victory for who? We don't even know that the C02 emissions are a problem and in fact more scientists are coming forward now to say there is no proof it is the cause of global warming. The real problem is the industrialization taking place in the rainforests all over the world. “Clear cuts” is a term used by our paper industry that use equipment to flatten entire rainforests and remove trees that are as thick as a car is wide and as long as a skyscraper is tall. Activists that are willing to place their bodies in harms way to stop the trucks from reaching their destination are met by police officers that are only there to help enforce the industries right to destroy our homelands yet not to enforce our right to fight them with non-violent protest.
It does not take a Harvard or Yale degree to figure out that a civilization must be able to survive on renewable resources or it is not going to be a civilization very long. Common sense should tell us that we cannot live on a dying planet, nor that we would want to. What we really need is to control the population and stop allowing women unlimited birth rights. What about everyone else s right to live on a green planet with enough oxygen to breath, and enough resources to survive. The problem is not controlling the oil, the problem is learning how to survive on the planet without the need for oil because it is a finite resource. I think even a first grader could understand the concept that oil will not last forever and that when the oil is gone we are left with a planet full of junk cars that are no use to anyone and just another ugliness created by our industries greed. If you are gonna take over the car industry, please tell us that you will no longer be manufacturing cars that run on gas and oil. You would cause the people to swell up in agreement and give them new hope that you finally seek the changes that we must begin believing in. Changes that represent an entirely new way of life. GM and FORD CEO's have known for years that the people have begun to feel guilty buying cars that do not conform and represent the coming of a new age. We hold them responsible for not making changes that society at large has already made. However, if you fail to make the changes now I do not see the people believing America has a future worth saving. Take away the hope of a better future and America may not ever recover from the economic disaster she is facing today. Give America a whisper of hope and she will sustain and duplicate the beauty from within until the entire planet feels her wrath.
The ridiculous bill fighting C02 is a joke when nothing is being done to even slow down the removal of trees that provide the Oxygen we need to breath. We can see the destruction of rainforests and the devastating deserted wasteland that takes its place. Yet the bill you fight for is one that does not show us anything. No new growth even occurs on the land destroyed and thousands of wildlife species disappear as a consequence. How can we say we care about the planet? We do not even care about the consequences of destroying the beauty and necessity of our wonderful rainforests. Prove to us that you understand we do not need to be perfecting the art of destruction. We have that talent figured out already. Show the world we can build a future that represents a world worth fighting for, worth living in. Show us a new vision of the future that holds the industry accountable and stop taxing the American people for the mistakes made on Wall street. You are starting to look like you were always in Wall streets pocket from day one. You have given in to all of their requests and held no one accountable for anything in the previous administration. Not even torture. So now they kick back in their mansions of gold while we are left paying the bills with our monopoly money collected from cigarette tax, cap and trade scams and more bail-outs then anyone cares to remember.
What is saddest of all is that the people of the world put their faith in the promise of you, Obama. You have been letting everyone down that believed in you. You have caved in to the big Wall street bankers and sold our country out like everyone else when what we really needed was a man with conviction. You cannot convince us that you did not understand as your level of intelligence suggests that you did understand and yet you still chose to let the lobbyists continue to dictate how the world should be even knowing that the world will become a very ugly place if they continue to get their way. The worst part of it all is that you are not even trying to be the man we all believed you could be. We wanted to see CHANGE. The only thing you have changed is our minds about you, about our government and our beliefs that you could actually make a difference.

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