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Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Olive Branch

Bush's EPA Is Pursuing Fewer Polluters (National)

Federalism, Not Partition (International)
The idea of Federalism in Iraq must not be looked at as "Partitioning".

Most in Poll Want War Funding Cut (National)
Bush's Approval Rating Ties All-Time Low

Veto of child health plan sparks clash (National)
Bush veto's health plan that would have covered 6 million children in America that are among the poorest and middle class that cannot afford private health coverage.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Media Spotlight

A Response to to “Blackwater gets OK to resume Iraq duty

This is an article that takes the facts of the story without manipulating anything and then gives some back-up information in order to show you the whole picture. There have been other articles I have seen that push the policies of the white house by releasing opinionated news about how Blackwater is important to officials going to Iraq and how necessary they are, and how they risk their lives to protect them.

The beginning of the article shows the friction and disinformation between the Iraq officials and Blackwater that exists by comparing both comments and showing that Iraq officials think they will be informed of all of Blackwater's movements and then Blackwater's comments say they will not be telling officials precise details about their movements. Then, they show how the Iraq ministry did an investigation that showed that 11 civilians had been fired upon without provocation, and how the US State Department says Blackwater had been fired upon first.

Then the article makes sure to tell us about Rice defending Blackwater and their work, but it does so with a direct quote rather than adding propaganda to the articles contents. Of course, all the interviews are contradictory when asked about the level of violence, but one thing that is not is the deaths that the article closes with and ends with the exact number of troops that are dead since the war began. This article, I think, is the right way to cover this event. It is factual and shows both sides of the event with a non-partisan view.

Route 66

New York Times Says It Violated Policies Over MoveOn Ad (National)
New York Times says that should not have received a discount for its full page ad, so promises to pay the extra $77,000 to make up the difference.

Contractor Blamed in DHS Data Breaches (National)
Unisys Corp., a company that in 2002 won a $1 billion deal, is to blame for security breaches at DHS because they did not install the software necessary to detect such breaches. A long breach occurred in June through October of 2006 that may have gathered significant information on domestic security in the United States.

Pacific Post

A million L.A. trees: Will they take root? (Local)
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is giving away trees with a promise from takers to plant it, but there is no one following up to make sure they keep it.

Marine D.I.s aren't as cruel as war (Local)
Some charges have been filed on four Marine Drill Instructors for being "mean" to recruits.

California Closes In on Universal Health-Care Plan
Governor, Democrats Work to Resolve Funding (Local)

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is working to pass a new health care system in California that would set the pace for the rest of the country. Now all he has to do is convince California residents to pay more taxes for it.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Olive Branch

Moderates Talk the Talk (National)

Lots of talks between congress officials, but still no closer to the 60 votes needed for change.

U.S. Attorney in Minnesota Faces Probe (National)
U.S. Attorney Rachel K. Paulose is accused by staff of abuse, retaliation and mishandling of classified documents.

On the Bypass

Blackwater gets OK to resume Iraq duty (International)
Security Company, Blackwater, enjoys immunity from Iraq law.

What Defines a Killing as Sectarian? (International)
The Bush administration uses cherry picked data for the Patraeus report and lets the General show us the cooked books!

Ahmadinejad says Iran, U.S. not headed for war (International)
Ahmadinejad denies allegations that Iran is trying to posess nucleur weapons or that US and Iran are headed for war.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Media Spotlight

A Response to Spy chief says wiretap powers needed (National)

It is unbelievable to me that Democrats could let this president get away with anything anymore. It surely seems like the passing of “The Patriot Act” which slipped through their congressional approval by accident would have them wake up to be more careful about approving anything that they have not read and understood fully. This is the Congress of the United States and I am sure there are no Americans think they should sign anything unless they are fully aware of any and all provisions that are included within any bill.

They have been given every reason to not trust this administration and knowing that should have made them aware that they may need to be more careful in the future, yet in this article we can see it has happened again. It read,

“Congress agreed to the new provisions, but set them to expire in six months. Since the rushed passage, however, many Democrats have had second thoughts and now believe the new provisions violate long-held privacy protections for U.S. citizens.”

So now what? Are you going to apologize again? I do not accept your apology for this. I am tired of excuses. You have already made the same mistakes and have been fully aware that this administration uses these methods to get their way. You are part of the problem. How can you take a job as important as the one you have been blessed to have and mistreat your authority by simply signing whatever is put in front of you? You should all be ashamed of yourself as it has been as much your fault as President Bush’s. Maybe more so, as you should have known better, where as the president can still hold on to the simple excuse of being undereducated.

I do not accept your apologies and expect you to stop giving this president his way on any and every issue. The press this week is trying to say that President If any of you had some decency he would have been impeached a long time ago. If you look at the possibility of Bush being an enemy combatant you begin to see what a superb job he has actually been doing by using every weakness in our laws and policies against the people of the United States and helping only foreign nations.

Where is the press? Where are the questions asking why the Congress thinks it is ok to sign bills into law without fully reading and understanding it? Stop becoming part of the problem and become part of the solution. Ask real questions and expose this administration, and corrupted officials. Do your jobs!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Route 66

Student Tasered, arrested at Kerry forum.(National)
Man had tried repeatedly to question senator on his connections with Bush

A Florida student was tackled by police after asking Kerry a question.

Hollywood Hall

O.J. Simpson goes free on bail (National)
O.J. Simpson has been arrested again and although he is already out on bail, if convicted, will be facing life in the Las Vegas Prison Facility.

On the Bypass

Maliki insists U.S. replace Blackwater (International)
The private US security company, Blackwater, has stirred more hatred after their involvement in a shootout last week ended with eleven innocent civilians dead. Maliki told reporters the US must invest in another security company and freeze the activities of Blackwater immediately.

147 suspected members of drug ring held in Colombia (International)
Major cocaine smuggling operation includes 23 former right-wing fighters.

Pacific Post

Douglas Barry becomes new L.A. fire chief (Local)
The first African American to serve as chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department was sworn in by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Tuesday, September 18 in a ceremony outside of City Hall.

LAPD seeks public's help in apprehending gunmen who killed baby (Local)
$75,000 Reward offered for information leading to the arrest of person(s) involved in killing a baby.

Deadly medical lapses in prison (Local)
One in six deaths have been preventable in California prisons last year.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Olive Branch

With Justice Pick, Bush Hopes to Avoid a Fight (National)
Michael B. Mukasey is looking like Bush's justice pick hopeful for replacing Alberto Gonzales. Washington Post tells us "Bush was keenly interested in Larry Thompson, who was deputy attorney general in his first term, but Thompson made it clear early on that he did not want to be considered. So did federal appellate judge Laurence H. Silberman -- a favorite of Vice President Cheney".

Senate rejects bill to regulate combat tours (National)
More disappointments for the Democratic Party as their efforts to stop this war, this president, or the multiple tours of our soldiers all failed to make the 60 vote requirements this week.

Spy chief says wiretap powers needed (National)
More Violations of Civil Rights for U.S. citizens.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Media Spotlight

The Bush War

Bravo Washington Post! The only real news I have seen at any level this week was by the article titled,”Democrats Push Toward Middle on Iraq Policy”. If the American people are supposed to judge what the real issues are by what they hear in the media then they have to hear the real issue at various levels within the media and right now the only one talking about the real issue is the Washington Post.

The reporting of General Patraeus has been judged adequately by the Democratic Party as only mimicking the ideas of President Bush. Democratic Senator John Warner even asked Patraeus if all of this is making America safer, and he himself replied, “I don’t know!” He then went on to say that he had not considered it because he felt his job as a General was to go there and report back with the best ways to achieve the mission. Democrats who have been waiting for this report felt this was not supposed to be a report that only gave recommendations on how to achieve Bush’s mission, but to come back with a non-partisan view of how things were going in Iraq.

The drama did not end there though. Republicans who may have still understood the original premise was to get “Al-Qaeda” may have been somewhat shocked as Senator Gary Adkerman twice mentioned that there was no “Al-Qaeda” formed until 2005 in Iraq. Of course, both times the question was asked the General continued to ignore and evade the question and even drowned out the Senator as he asked it.

It has become more than obvious to everyone who has been hoping to bring our troops home that the President is going to continue to get his way. This is mainly because the media on the right only replays the section with the General saying he was recommending bringing our troops home and then backing it up with a clip from President Bush saying he was going to stand behind the Generals recommendations. To anyone who may have been watching the entire report, this in itself is false. Patraeus not only used data sets without sources, but used figures that all contradict more established data sets held by, “The Associated Press”, “The Washington Post”, “The Government Accounting Office”, “General Jones” and the “Iraqi Forces”.

It is because of this that the real issue leaves the realm of the media we are seeing and becomes only what the Washington Post article stresses, “How do we get the Republican moderates in the Senate to change their vote and allow the democratic party to make a change without the threat of a veto from this President?”

On the Bypass

Indonesia has More Tsunami Warnings (International)

Japanese Prime Minister Abe Hospitalized (International)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Media Spotlight

I find it disturbing that news about the corruption in New Jersey is not making headlines in our newspapers. On September 06, 2007, 11 city officials were arrested for their involvement in a corruption investigation. It is offensive enough that Katrina lacked the attention it deserved, but even now as the corrupt officials there are arrested for taking bribes it is not newsworthy enough for our papers. Among the arrested were:

• Alfred E. Steele, state assemblyman and Passaic County Under sheriff
• Samuel "Sammy" Rivera, Passaic mayor
• Mims Hackett Jr., Orange mayor and state assemblyman
• Jonathan Soto, former Passaic city councilman
• Marcellus Jackson, Passaic city councilman
• Keith O. Reid, chief of staff to Newark City Council president
• Jayson G. Adams, former Pleasantville School Board member
• Maurice "Pete" Callaway, Pleasantville City Council member
• James T. McCormick, former Pleasantville School Board member
• James A. Pressley, Pleasantville School Board president
• Rafael Velez, Pleasantville School Board member
• Louis Mister, Pleasantville resident

All of these people hold positions that have authority in towns and neighborhoods that trust them, and all of them have betrayed that trust and deserve to be made examples of to any other officials that may be thinking about taking bribes or using their position in any way to their own advantage or financial gain.

If our reporters or media do not want to take on our own president who does this whole country wrong when he himself acts like he is above the law, or Vice President, Dick Cheney, as he gains enormously on the contracts in Iraq then the very least they could do is take on the government officials that accept bribes in this country. This needs to be a message to others who may think about taking advantage of the positions they have been graced with that they will not get away with it. I cannot believe how much damage this administration is causing on every level of government. Everything they touch is corrupted or corruptible and it is about time somebody starts to bring justice to those people who are willing to accept the bribes and sell out this country to line their own pockets.

To the New Jersey Attorney, Chris Christy, who has been doing a great job tackling the corruption, Bravo! He vowed to take on the problem and it finally looks like someone is doing the job they were hired to do. This definitely could not be an easy one, but necessary and warranted. There are still those of us who want to see our country get the upper hand on taxpayer spending and stop overpaying contractors. It has gone on far too long, and without people like Christy it would have extended its way from Washington to the streets and City of New Jersey.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Media Spotlight

Last June, Idaho Senator, Larry Craig, plead guilty to lewd behavior after being arrested in a men’s bathroom in the Minneapolis airport. Although, he later said it was a mistake and only in an effort to make it go away quickly. The arresting officer said Craig had made several gestures indicating he wanted to have sex. Some of the charges included placing his hand beneath the stall and touching the officer’s foot with his and leaning his luggage against the stall door. The senator claims he was only picking up a piece of paper. Although, anybody who was completely innocent would not normally rush to plead guilty, that is exactly what the senator claims to have done.

As I watched the week unfold for the senator I knew he was in for some trouble. In the beginning he told the press, “I am not gay!” Then went on to say he made a mistake pleading guilty and that he did nothing wrong. At first, the senator seemed to believe he actually had the option to stay at the white house and see how everything played out in the court room, but by the end of the week we saw that option had disappeared. The media coverage brought forth other lawmakers that not only voiced their opinion but also asked for his resignation.

There had been rumors that the Idaho senator was gay circulating since the 1980’s. It was not until the senator entered his guilty plea that they were given credibility. This is exactly what a local paper in Idaho thought too. Allegations surfaced about 6 months ago from several sources claiming that the senator might engage in sex in public places, but the paper chose not to publish anything until they had more proof. They even interviewed the senator about it a few months ago. This may have been the reason for the senator’s lack of judgment to plead guilty without talking to an attorney or anyone else.

The media wasted no time in finding fellow senators and Presidential running mates to interview and voice their opinion. All of them negative. This could have been from the already tarnished view by Americans of the Republican Party and the current administration and a general need to stomp out any further damage the situation could cause for public support. As to whether he really is gay and solicited the undercover officer, maybe it is true and maybe it’s not. There really is not a whole lot of evidence against the senator and given that rumors have been circulating for over 20 years you would think something or someone would have been able to prove his guilt one way or another. One thing is for sure, his career is definitely over.

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